National Technology Day: The Best Use Of Technology In Life And Learning

Technology consistently changes the way we work, play, enjoy, travel, and even LIVE!

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Today is 11th of May and India celebrates this day as the National Technology Day. It was on this day in the year 1998 that India successfully tested Shakti-I nuclear missile at the Indian Army’s Pokhran Test Range in Rajasthan. The test happened under the government of Late PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee and the scientific leadership of late President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. The two stalwarts of Indian political as well as leadership discourse led India to its unprecedented technological advancements. Based on such technological advancements, the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee declared May 11 as the National Technology Day.

Technology has changed the way we live and learn. While technology can potentially be digressive, if put to use with a purpose and strategy in mind- the very same technology can help you enhance your life and the learning process.

Reflect And Share

Challenge yourself to make the best use of technology and you will see how your life will change.

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The technology has made the entire process of feedback and collective reasoning much easier. The best example of this is blogging. Blogging is a very fruitful exercise. Not only it promotes creative thinking but also gives you an opportunity to put your thoughts out there for others to reflect upon. The feedback you can receive through online blogging has unlimited scope simply because of the reach and audience the modern technology readily provides. Technology very easily gives you a platform through which you can learn, reflect, as well as become a better version of yourself.

Technology And The Global Society

The real learning isn’t just accessing and consuming new information but also analyzing the same information with new eyes.

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The world has become one small village- the Global village, all thanks to technology. The world is connected and enclosed like never before. Make good use of this and be an active part of the Global society. With less time to physically meet people, improve your social connectivity through technology. Secondly, use the technology to learn and practice various cultures across the world. The real learning isn’t just accessing and consuming new information but also analyzing the same information with new eyes. Modern technology, social media, internet, everything collectively gives you an opportunity to develop that new set of eyes.

Use The Easier, Better, And Immediate Access To Unlimited Information To Your Advantage

The Internet has presented us with more prospects to think more deeply and learn more pervasively.

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The internet and mobile learning has introduced and opened up a new world of possibilities for training and education. If you cannot go to a college, allow technology to bring the college to you. Moving beyond formal education, the internet is still in itself an ocean of information and knowledge. Remember how we read famous quotes by famous people saying life is a continuous process of learning and unlearning? Well, the technology of today has actually made it very easy and possible to practice it.

So what did we learn? Use technology to create something of your own, share, and reflect upon it by using the feedback received. Use technology to improve your social connectedness and Global awareness. Use technology to practice the process of consistent and constant learning as well as unlearning. Okay? Okay!