Pop Culture Awards For Not Popping In The Culture

It is difficult to be alive and yet not become a part of today’s pop culture.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Google defines Pop Culture as “modern popular culture transmitted via the mass media and aimed particularly at younger people”. Well yes, more or less. The Urban dictionary gives us a more apt definition – “Pop culture, short for popular culture, describes the lifestyle and tastes of the majority of mostly younger people”. Yes, that’s right! The majority of young people do a certain thing and they are crazy about it. A certain section of people choose to keep themselves away from it. (For their own good reasons) They make a choice of not doing something, of not being a part of the pop culture, of NOT popping in the popular culture! But do they deserve an award for it? Of course not! But if you are a good observer, you will find them to be pretty proud of their choice of NOT being a part of this culture. So much so, they keep boasting about it. We at HFT pay heed to all your demands. So here we are with awards for the likes of you who expect to be awarded for NOT doing something everyone else is. Okay then!

The Award For Not Watching A Single Episode Of Game Of Thrones

See, here is a boy who will never receive such an award. He is deep into the pop culture!

Image Credit: unsplash.com

Right on the top of the list of Pop culture today is The Game of Thrones. What will happen in the war between Dany and Cersie. Is Rhaegal alive? Why didn’t Jon Snow hug Ghost? ☹ These questions are being ferociously discussed everywhere today! And then, out of nowhere you will find someone telling you very proudly how they haven’t watched a single episode of GoT and have no intention of doing so either. Nobody asked them but hey, it is an achievement and there is no harm in spelling out your achievements on your own. Right? You did well, my friend! You really deserve an award for not watching one of the biggest and most epic TV shows ever in the history of entertainment. You deserve an award, yes! Here we go.

The Award For Not Caring About Celebrities Getting Married

So, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth Get Married. Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Get Married. Soha Ali Khan has a crush on Kartik Aryan. Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande Get Engaged and Disengaged. The list goes on and on! Celebrities are people we admire and idealize. So, it’s pretty normal to be excited and show interest when two of your favorite celebrities get together. But there are people who are way beyond such normal and petty souls. These are the people who do not give a damn about which celebrity is doing what. They are so above all these gossips that these people consider people who discuss such gossips less intelligent. Good for them! Here’s an award. Finally, you are getting what you deserve. Happy?

The Award For Not Crying In The Avengers – End Game And Ridiculing Those Who Did

Are you that person? Visit us and collect your award!

Image Credit: unsplash.com

Well, End game happened! And all of us who are die hard Marvel fans had a blast and cried out loud. Without giving away any spoiler, yeah well somebody died. Somebody we loved. And it made us cry. It’s pretty simple and very human. But there are people who are not humans like us. They are like the real life super humans; only difference is that they don’t fight for the good but in fact fight against people who believe in the fictional superheroes. Well, we understand the jealousy. These super humans do not feel a thing when a fictional character dies. Good for them! They laugh on people like us who shed tears for a character like Iron Man. Oops. Spoiler alert! I am sorry 😛

But anyway, here is an award for such super humans.

Whether or not you follow the pop culture is absolutely your choice. You should never be ridiculed for it, but do not expect an award either. We at HFT are really kind folks, the world isn’t! They won’t give you no awards!