Rowling Casts A Grammar Spell Over Trump’s Claims

Rowling had a good laugh when Trump praised his own writing skills

Image Credit: wordpress, gizmodo

Trump has been a harbinger of many good laughs. Whether it is his health care plans or his policy over immigrants, or his nuclear power bravado, his has been the regime filled with humour, sometimes ironic, sometimes sarcastic. Now he even manged to give J K Rowling a good laugh.

One of the most popular and richest author of this century, J K Rowling could not help herself when she tweeted in response to Trump’s claims that he is an expert writer. The president criticized the press for ‘pouring over’ his tweets ‘looking for a mistake’ even though he had written ‘many best selling books’ and was proud of his writing skills.

The situation worsened when Trump biographer Tim O’Brien quickly tweeted that the president did not write any of his books, Trump’s latest tweet included a glaring typo; pour instead of pore. J K Rowling replied with a classic wit.

Trump’s ghostwriter, Tony Schwartz, described the process of authoring Trump’s The Art of the Deal. He said that essentially, he wrote the whole book for Trump. The president pushed back against that claim, saying Schwartz was only a co-author. This is not surprising in Trump’s era of Fake News and factual distortions.

Soon Trump deleted the tweet and reposted one with the correct spelling. But it is indeed shameful for an American President to get his spelling wrongs. Especially, when you head a country that redefined many English words with American corrections, just to prove that America owns the language as much as England. Even now, if you are using Windows, there is a rigorous check on you if you are in the habit of using Queen’s English. May be Trump should take a break from Kim, and spend sometime with British individuals to get his spellings right. Till then, he should read more before he claims to write well.

Till then the Merriam Webster dictionary handle on Trump’s favourite platform Twitter will keep taking jabs on him. They could not help giving Trump a basic lesson on the use of the word ‘pour’.

And along with English lessons, Trump needs a grammar nazi for those moments when he feels the urge to humiliate himself on Twitter.