Sacred Games Should Cast Rahul Gandhi As An Ambassador Of Double Standards

How can Rahul Gandhi be allowed to redeem himself with one tweet?

Image Credit: the week

Till yesterday everybody was making pappu jokes about Congress’ scion Rahul Gandhi. Suddenly he is made into a hero of freedom of expression.

The new Netflix series ‘Sacred Games’ has come in for a lot of criticism, with three FIRs filed in the first week of screening. It is based on the criminal underside of Mumbai. Apparently, it shows Rajiv Gandhi in a bad light, and many of his followers were up in arms against it. But Rahul ‘baba’ (pun intended) was struck with enlightenment overnight and bestowed forgiveness on the makers.

Many celebrities came out in support of dynastic prince. The maker of ‘Sacred Games’ tweeted a ‘Yay’. The loudmouth Swara Bhaskar hailed his clear stand in favour of freedom of expression.

But one wonders what was the magic wielded by the prince that one tweet absolved him of all the years of previous embarrassment. From making machines that turn potatoes into money, to a milky tribute to women in Gujarat, how can one tweet save the national dimwit.

On the other hand, an intelligent actor like Alia Bhatt has to slave through General Knowledge for years after making a mistake in a rapid fire round on the show ‘Koffee with Karan’. She had to face ridicule and teasing before she clearly proved herself through merit and performance. How can people hold an actor to higher standards than they expect from a prospective Prime-Ministerial candidate?

This just shows plain double standards and hypocrisy among the influencers and celebrities. Instead of being supported Rahul Gandhi should be reminded that it was his grandmother who imposed the darkest era of emergence in India, when any word was censored, and people disappeared overnight for speaking their mind.

A simple tweet, probably posted by his social media manager, should not be used to whitewash what Rahul Gandhi really represents. An archaic prince in a modern thriving democracy, inefficieny of a man baby, and butt of national jokes. How can somebody who cannot speak for two minutes without making a joke of himself be made into an ambassador of free speech. And those who do so are just opportunists.