Soon You May Be Able To Make A Call To The Moon

Nokia, Vodafone and other partners prepare to bring 4G network to the moon

Soon You May Be Able To Make A Call To The Moon

“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, Said Neil Amrstrong after landing on the moon. Now man is setting bigger footprints. Nokia, Vodafone and other partners prepare to bring 4G network to the moon.

After Elon Musk’s Space X sent Falcon Heavy to Mars, now man is making another stride into space. Vodafone Germany, network equipment maker Nokia and carmaker Audi said they were working together to support the mission, 50 years after the first Nasa astronauts walked on the moon. The plan is to set up a 4G network on the moon that will use Nokia equipment to connect Audi lunar rovers with the network needed to transmit scientific data and HD video.

The companies are working with Berlin-based company PTScientists on the project, with a launch scheduled in 2019 from Cape Canaveral on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Vodafone hopes the network will be able to broadcast on the 1800 MHz frequency band to deliver the universe’s first HD livestream direct from the moon.

Vodafone, Nokia and Audi are partnering to put 4G network on the moon
Vodafone, Nokia and Audi are partnering to put 4G network on the moon

Image Credit: hexus

This should also put the conspiracy theories about faked moon landings to bed. The moon rovers will transmit scientific data and HD video – including footage of NASA’s Apollo 17 lunar rover used by the last astronauts to walk on the Moon. Commander Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt explored the Taurus-Littrow valley in December 1972.

After Elon Musks cool red car zoomed into space, now it will carry the metaphorical Vodafone pug will also get a ride to moon. And the Vodafone ZooZoos will dance on the moon.

While this is a great stride towards the future of space research, it will also enable sustainable solutions towards those already planning human colonies in outer space. Imagine, if extra-terrestrial life forms were to contact humanity using this 4G network?

As always, the space opens up a vast vista of possibilities and endless probabilities. This is surely a forward leap for mankind away from earth. As Vodafone, Nokia and Audi prepare for this great mission in 2019, we hope that they don’t ignore their earthly responsibilities. After all, the earth is a testing ground for what works in space.

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