The Emergency Exit Plans That You Might Need In Life!

Here is your “The great escape” moment! Maybe you will even tell your kids about it some day.

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Emergency exit is the only way out when you’re having the worst time of your life. When the company you’re keeping is insufferable, when the party you are attending is boring AF, and for many such situations- here are few plans that we have hatched out for you. If you can chalk up the courage to sit through tormenting hours with people you can’t bear anymore, good for you. But an easy exit from a social situation is just what is needed when you’ve got to hit the ‘escape’ button on its face. Here are some sordid situations we may all get stuck in at some point and here’s how to find your way out of it:

Escaping A Bad Date

You are a good person. You cannot just leave. You must leave without hurting the feelings of this bad date of yours.

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Nightmarish dates are not something we wake up wishing for but they happen anyway, even to the best of us. How do you not hurt someone’s feelings and yet leave them stranded in the middle of a date? Usually, people are nice enough to stay until the end of the date even though they’re bored out of their minds. But if your date is beyond the regular-bad range, you can pull out the ‘Oh God, My Boss is calling me at this hour’ card. And you love your job, you just can’t say no. You could even say your pet-sitter has to leave suddenly. Or the classic- your parents are calling you back home. The Cinderella strategy works pretty well for all the Genders. Talk about tried and tested!

Escaping A Boring Party

God bless your life if you end up at a boring party. We usually love to be at parties where you get up the next morning not remembering any details from last night. But we all have been in situations where each passing minute becomes duller than the last. You know the party has become too much of a drag when you have tried to ask someone ‘Acha, what did your Dad study?’. But you also don’t want to be outright rude with your acquaintances. Oh the dilemma. You’re stuck between “going back home to Netflix and chill” or “sitting here for another 4 hours until you are not the first person to leave this torture room”. Don’t say you’re sleepy or you’ve got a headache. You’ll never hear the end of it. You can pull out the ‘My Flat mate forgot her keys inside the home and I’ve got to go help her out now’ or ‘My partner isn’t feeling very well, I’ve got to go tend to them’. Works like a charm!

Escaping A Family Dinner

You don’t just have to escape a “family dinner”, you have to escape the entire “emotional drama” built around it.

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How do you scurry out of a room filled with people you share DNA with? In a country like ours, where khoon ka rishta is supposed to invaluable even in the face of their overbearing intrusiveness, a few ironclad excuses to leave ‘urgently’ can be just what you need. You can suddenly ‘fall sick’ that you won’t be able to make it for dinner. But not too sick that they will have come visit you. God forbid, you do make it to dinner and need to control yourself from pulling someone’s hair; you can pull out the fake-call card. Your friend is in an emergency situation and needs your help immediately. A friend in need is a friend indeed, of course. Or you JUST got your period. Classic excuse!

Each one of us has unique social deal breakers. When going gets tougher by the minute and you do not feel obligated to spend one more minute exchanging small talk, use these tactics to initiate your exit strategy.