The Things You Should Not Say In Any Conversation

A lot has been said about “What to say”, here’s what NOT to.

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There are people you love having conversations with and then there are those with whom you avoid any form of interaction. Where does this difference come from? What is it that the other person is doing so wrong! Well, there could be a lot of things. But, it could also be that he is prone to using certain phrases that are worst things to say in any conversation. Find out about those things and delete it from your conversing dictionary.

“You Are Overreacting”

Instead, you can just shut up and listen. That’d still be better than saying THIS!

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The phrase is most commonly used in the beginning of a potential argument. And guess what? This phrase only makes things worse. You should never tell anyone that they are overreacting. When you do that, you invalidate their experience and make them feel even more angry and frustrated. Another similar phrase that people use in the same context is “calm down”. This is probably the conversation killer. The person you are speaking to will get so calm that you will never hear from them again. Because, at the end of the day “calm down” is about everything other than actually calming down! It is just to silence the conversation you don’t want to have.

“At Least Your Life Is Better Than Him/Her/Them”

Not helpful! Not helpful at all! Telling someone that their life is better than someone else’s in order to comfort them is like the worse conversation idea. You are actually insulting two life experiences here and drawing such comparisons can be quite mentally unhealthy too. The knowledge that someone’s life is worse than yours has no positive vibe in it. You may or may not temporarily make them feel better but it is never going to work in the long run.

“Whatever” Or “Good Luck With That”

Such phrases can directly hurt people you are talking to.

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Both of these phrases are unconcerned about the person’s personal experiences and feelings. It is an absolute disregard of what a person has gone through. The “whatever” translates to “your personal feelings and experiences do not mean anything to me or anyone else”. The “Good luck with that” translates to “your personal feelings and experiences are meaningless and irrelevant”. Now, tell me? Are these things good to be said in any conversation? Of course not!

Be careful of what you say and try to be a great listener in order to be someone people can REALLY talk to.