The Tragic World Hunger Figures May Leave You Stunned

The UN figures on the number of hungry people in the world is shocking.

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Have you ever left food unfinished in a restaurant or at home? Have you ever ordered too much food at a hotel, and then let it go waste without realising it amidst all the fun with friends? You will never do it again if you hear the number of people going hungry in the world.

There are now approximately 815 million undernourished people in the world. This might come as a shock to those still following earlier traditions where it was etiquettes to leave the last morsel unfinished or the last sip at the bottom of the glass. Now it is ill manners to leave food on your plate.

In fact, the world belongs to the empty plate instagrammers who take pictures of empty plates, after finishing their meals. It is also better to parcel what is left on the table and give it to some hungry person. In fact, some restaurants tie up with shelters for poor and orphans and give the leftovers in the kitchen to them.

The number of hungry people in the world has risen for the first time in more than a decade, according to a United Nations report. Hunger is also a driving cause of death among the extreme poor. And one factor adding to this woe is climate change, which is changing the agricultural patterns throughout the world.

At the same time, economic and financial priorities of nations are such that make food distribution a miasma of political hankering. And imagine the amount of money the rich spend on their festivities. If you have seen the fancy musical wedding invitation sent by Ambani family for their son’s wedding, one wonders how this extravaganza could have been better spent on genuine concerns.

Often we waste food without considering the consequences

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A couple in Africa cut loafs of bread instead of cake and gave it away to feed the hungry children. A couple in Turkey did away with a lavish wedding and fed the hungry Syrian refugees. It is these instances that remind one of humility and charity.

Figures and statistics speak the truth. And the world hunger names are a reminder that wasting food could be a global crime.