It’s time to go back to Hogwarts

What if readers could choose what they want to read, in the 2 new Harry Potter Books?


Ever since Bloomsbury announced, that  2 new Harry Potter books will be  releasing in October, there has been mixed reactions from all the Potter fans, especially all those who are under 40, and have grown up  reading all the Harry Potter books released till date ( because not doing so almost made you an outcast and a misfit). The release of the two new books, will coincide with the opening of the British Library’s Harry Potter exhibition. Harry Potter : A History of Magic – The Book of Exhibition, will take readers through subjects studied at Hogwarts, the other book, Harry Potter: A Journey Through a History of Magic, will cover topics like ancient witch craft, magical creatures and alchemy.


We asked a few of  Harry Potter fans, what they would want to read, if we were straying away from the theme of the new books, and just given what we hope. What we got, were mixed reactions. While some like Uma Sundaram’s reaction was: “ Ab Bas hogaya!”, 40 year old Yogesh,  who works for an advertising agency said, he would have either loved to see the escaped death beaters being tortured, or see all the muggles gifted with one super witch power. Suravi, 28, would have liked to see some really cool magical creatures being introduced.36 year old Dharini, says she would love to read about Hermoine’s childhood, and how she discovered she’s not a muggle. Music director  Deep, 32, said he would like to see Dumbledore resurrected. Vishaka, 22 said:”It’ll be fun to backtrack and see how past actions have affected Harry’s time.”While, Isha Bali Sharma, who has been a huge Potter fan, hopes the new books will not tarnish its legacy. She says, “ I am happy for the fans who want to delve deeper and deeper into this world but this reeks of commercialism.”

#JK Rowling, hope you’re making a note!

(IMAGE CREDIT: flickr,