Unpopular Opinions: The New Trend To Voice Your Differences

Your chance to rant out anything you dislike!

Image Credit: flickr.com

As human beings, all of us are created different with varied taste and preferences. And that shows even in the most trivial choices we make. For example, entertainment. Some of us turn to Hulu, some to Netflix, while some of us (who are too broke to be able to afford any of those paid streaming services_ go for Twitter. Yes, twitter- the free “bird app” where you can have it all- drama, comedy, political satire and horror (read: far right advocates), and that too within the span of 280 characters and for absolutely free! The joke that this generation will probably live tweet the apocalypse is not even a joke anymore- it is a completely rational probability. But that is an issue for later. Right now, what is trending on twitter is the trend of “unpopular opinions”. People are offering their two cents on every and any subject. And with the opening of this Pandora’s Box have come along some hilarious memes.

About SRK – Kajol And Their Ratings

When it comes to Bollywood, fans can be very extreme in their opinions. And a movie like DDLJ has a legacy of its own. But that didn’t stop this user from calling it out.

Remember when Bollywood wasn’t obsessed with extreme beauty standards? Yeah this user does.

The Fight Of The Rappers

Now music already has people fighting for each other’s necks for a while now with the whole Stan culture.

When this Eminem fan tried to establish his point, quick disapproval followed.

And it looks like people have some serious pent up disapproval of Champagne papi.

Food – The Sensitive Topic

Now food is a sensitive topic. It can bring out the most defensive side of humans.

Looks like someone got tricked by raisin cookies into believing that they were chocochip cookies.

Avocado lovers are probably planning an arson.

Opinions On Marvel Characters Can Go on and On

This is a dangerous territory that we’re entering folks.

But looks like there’s a no holding back policy going on.

And that is the most glistening tip of the iceberg that twitter has created with millions of people giving their unique, thoughtful and hilarious unpopular opinions on the platform. Moreover, these threads have actually brought in people together voicing things that they have never been able to say out aloud because they thought they are the only ones who felt so. After all, we are never truly the “only” one. And whether you agree with these opinions or not, you must admit, tweeple are the funniest beings on the face of earth.