Ways to keep oneself ‘motivated’ during difficult times

There is always a solution to every problem.
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As time passes by and as we grow older we come across many efficient and passionate people towards their work. As we get to know them properly we realise they are equally complexed and depressed from inside. Many of us go through hard knocks in life. I have seen hard times myself too but many of us don’t know how to deal with it. Sometimes what happens is a sensible person also may feel depressed after a certain level of exhaustion in this dissolute world after he fails to accomplish his expectations. How should we deal with unanticipated difficult times and keep ourselves motivated through those times? Let’s find out some ways that can help us sustain through it.

*Set worthy goals and execute them.

Setting goals helps us to focus on achievements.

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Plan out and set a goal, worthy of executing and go for it. Start off with setting small targets initially and work towards achieving it by sequence. Those goals that you would like to set could be related to your personal life or professional life. You need to have patience along the road as success doesn’t come easy, in order to achieve it you need to focus and keep yourself extremely positive. Achieving goals in your personal life motivates you to achieve goals in professional life as well.

*Read motivational books or listen to motivational audios or videos-

Every book has a life changing message.

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We often say that it’s easy to conclude a person’s life as a viewer but it’s no picnic to walk a mile in that person’s shoes. A book gives us a chance to understand the authors challenges and experiences. A book or the audio, video of motivational speakers help enormously as some incidents or phases may have resemblance to your situation and we get an idea to sustain a difficult phase of life.

*Be in touch with friends and family members who have a positive aura-

Positive energy flows from one mind to another through interaction.

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You should always keep people having a negative outlook away from you as they always find some or the other way to bring you down. Never ever spend time with such people. At the end of the they leave you crestfallen, all over again. On the contrary, having positive friends or family members is like a blessing. They see good in everything and support you throughout your journey. Optimistic people are always light-hearted and vivacious; their outlook towards life encourages you as well.

*Exercise daily-

Exercise makes you strong internally as well.

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Exercise is the most important thing a human body requires in order to keep oneself fit from both inside and outside. A study of 1.2 million people in USA who exercise daily have a good mental health compared to those who do not exercise. Exercising daily, shows us our improvements in form of results. Achieving targets helps us to stay focused and motivated; even in difficult times. So in order to refrain from demotivation; exercise is important.

*Have more of healthy food and less of junk food.

Healthy food is a doorway to healthy mind.

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Unhealthy food eaten on daily basis is like filling stomach with thrash. It doesn’t advantage our mind or nobody in anyway. We humans are incorporation of everything like our mind, body soul everything needs to be in good condition to keep going. So apart from exercising we also need to bless ourselves with healthy food. Healthy food helps build good immune system and eventually it helps your mind also to become robust.

*Listen to good music-

Music lifts up our imagination way higher, it also uplifts our mood.

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Researchers found out that music releases dopamine it’s a ‘feel good’ chemical in your brain. Its also my personal experience; I feel ecstatic and cheerful whenever I listen to my favourite songs. Good music relaxes unpleasant tension. So do listen to your favourite track next time you feel low.

If you believe in yourselves then you can do it!

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Every problem or difficult situations are outcome of our thinking pattern. Just wipe it off. Start life afresh with positivity and vitality. Everybody has their own hardships and struggle, the difference between them all is how we deal with it. Focus more on your blessings and less on dispiriting things. You have to change your view towards life as when one door closes another opens. I am telling you this from my personal experience. Never give up; just fight back at whatever challenges life throws at you.