Weekend Sexual Retreat: A Sex-Life Improvement Trick

Worried about your sex life? Here's an innovative trick for you all!

Weekend Sexual Retreat: A Sex-Life Improvement Trick
Image Credit: Pexels.com

Has the modern day lifestyle, its commitments, and its distractions naturally taken a toll on your sex life? Do not worry, you are not the only one. Many urban couples are today facing this rather strange problem. The problem, literally speaking, is that they do not have the time and energy to have sex as often as they’d like to. Basically, their sex life sucks. (Pun intended)

Like every other ridiculously Urban problem, this one also has a ridiculously unique solution. It is something I like to call the weekend sexual retreat. Let’s sex up your life again, shall we?

Life Mode: Offline

No distractions allowed. Put all your concentration into pleasing each other.
No distractions allowed. Put all your concentration into pleasing each other.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

NO friends, NO family, NO phones, NO work emails, NO laptops, NO Facebook, NO Instagram stories, NO social media, NOTHING allowed except you, your partner and your intimacy. The purpose of this weekend getaway is sex. Do not be hesitant or shy about it. Remember your purpose and go all the way. Fix a weekend or weekends for the getaway, book a room and do what you really want to. Connect, get intimate, make out, flirt, indulge in foreplay and of course have sex. The bottomline is to take your life to offline mode meaning, get rid of ALL and ANY distractions possible.

Communicate But..

Communication is always necessary. No kind of intimacy and connection is possible without some sort of communication. So, yes please communicate. But keep the topic of your conversation limited to your relationship. Do not talk about your friends, or family, or work. NOT ALLOWED. The only topic of discussion allowed is your relationship. Talk about each other. Appreciate your partner. Give genuine compliments. Talk about your relationship. Talk about how you are going to spend this getaway. You both know how, but explicitly talking about it only makes it more sexy.

Explore And Explore

Increase the level of desire by introducing new ideas.
Increase the level of desire by introducing new ideas.

Image Credit: Pexels.com

What did we call this again? Weekend sexual retreat. Right. So, explore your options when it comes to sexual experience. Indulge together into ways and ideas that you have never explored before. Bringing news ideas to the bedroom can be incredibly arousing. Allow each other to be vulnerable. Explore different sexual acts and positions to elevate each other’s desire. But most importantly talk about it. Comfort only makes the experience more and more sexier.

Try this out and let us know your experience. Even if it doesn’t help improve your sex life, it will definitely be a memorable experience.