Weird Wedding Customs From All Around The World

So you thought only big fat Indian weddings are weird. Oh, think again.

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We Indians are very well accustomed to weird Marriage traditions. Be it ‘Joota Chupai’ or the grand ‘Mehndi’ celebration. The customs are weird but full of fun. But have you ever wondered how marriage traditions and customs in other cultures all over the world are? And if they are weird in any way? Oh THEY ARE. Look-

Germany: Break Them Plates!

A lovely couple enjoying the custom of cleaning the broken plates.

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So this is a weird tradition with its own weird explanation. The guests to a traditional German wedding are supposed to bring any type of Chinaware except glass as a gift for the newlyweds. And WAIT FOR IT, they are supposed to then smash the porcelain in front of them. This is done in the belief of warding off evil spirits. Oh it doesn’t end here. Next, the couple is expected to clean up the mess together. This is done to teach the newlyweds a lesson that marriage life may not be easy but they can work their way out of the mess as long as they work together. Ah, that’s cute.

Guatemala: We Are Breaking The Bell This Time!

A grand welcome indeed.

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When the wedding is concluded, everyone heads to the groom’s house. But before the couple enters, there got to be some breaking and smashing of course?? 😛

So a white ceramic bell filled with flour, rice, and other different kinds of grains is hung over the doorway. The content of the bell represents abundance and prosperity. When the couple arrives, the groom’s mother comes at the door to welcome them. As a welcoming gesture, she smashes the bell that is believed to bring prosperity and good luck to the couple.

China: Cry It Out Buddies

The women of the family crying in a room as per the custom.

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This is one of the most peculiar wedding customs. It is also kind of unfair if you think about it. So here’s what happens. The bride from the Tujia ethnic group in China is supposed to cry for one hour every day for a month, for ONE FULL MONTH and then at the ceremony itself! But hey, that’s not it. After 10 days of crying, the bride is joined by her mother. After another 10 days, the bride and her mother is joined by the bride’s grandmother. You are probably thinking that’s it, but nope! By the end of the month, every female in the household is found crying alongside the bride! The crying is symbolic of great happiness, yeah that’s right. The women are found crying in different tones almost sounding like a song.

Romania: Take The Bride On Ransom! Ooooohh!

The bride poses for pictures after being “kidnapped” on her wedding night.

Image Credit: Vadim Ghirda/The Associated Press –

So, a simulation game at the wedding. That’s pretty normal, right? In Romania and some other European countries, an abduction game is organized before the wedding. As per the *rules* of the game, the bride is kidnapped by family and friends. The groom is then supposed to rescue her by paying a ransom with money, drinks etc.

France: Drinking. Ew. From. Ew. The. Ew. Toilet. Ew.

Now I don’t know how to sugarcoat this one. It is just what it sounds. Yes! The Newlyweds in France used to be forced to have the leftovers of the wedding out of a toilet bowl. Thank God that today the custom is replaced by chocolates and champagne but oops, it is still supposed to be drunk out of toilet bowl. Now, this is gross and crazy. So what do they get out of this? Strength for their times ahead of the wedding! I am not even kidding. That’s the belief.

It is a weird world out there. But as long as it keeps them happy and does not systematically oppress our women, go ahead and do it. Did I just?