Weirdest Museums Around The World That Will Make You Want To Be There

From funky to yummy to downright gory, what's your type?

Weirdest Museums Around The World That Will Make You Want To Be There
Image Credit: thinkingaboutmuseums

You’ve probably visited at least one museum in your life and remembered it as either boring or alrightish or something interesting to look at.

But what if you went to a museum and came out wondering what really happened in there, and remembering that experience for the rest of your life?

To cut the talk short, if you haven’t been to these museums around the world that are absolutely weird and yet amazingly interesting and smartly done, you’re missing out a great deal.

More Than 2 Minutes In The Noodle Museum

Your flavours now in a museum
Your flavours now in a museum

Image Credit: allomamantoutvabien

If you’re the 2-minute person who still swears by Maggi or any other cuppa noodle for that matter, then you got to go and find your instant cup in the Cup Noodles Museum in Japan. Here, you can see just how the simple cup noodle that was invented in 1958 at home became one of the biggest cup noodle sensations in the world. You can try your hand at making it yourself here or give your own twist to the packaging and flavours.

The Toilet Seat Museum That Will Flush You Into Sulabh

Time to take a leak?
Time to take a leak?

Image Credit: theculturetrip

The humble Sulabh Shauchalyas have made one huge splash with their Sulabh International Museum of Toilets in New Delhi. From toilet seats to toilet basins that come from as far back as 2500 BC, as well as some of the most marvelous toilet seat inventions from South Korea and Japan, it also showcases toilet thrones that were actually used by royalty in the Middle Ages. You can also witness Queen Victoria’s floral-decorated basin.

Get Gory At The Museum Of Death

Get your survival instincts on
Get your survival instincts on

Image Credit: californiadiaries

If dark tales, death and gory is what gives you the kicks, the Museum of Death in Hollywood could be just your game. The entrance will pull you in with a huge skeleton and light play, and once in, you can check out a number of severed heads, artwork made out of serial murders, artefacts, body bags, human skulls, blood-curdling pictures and more.

Get Down To Lingerie Right Here

Yes, you read that right. If there can be a museum for everything, why not for the humble and kind of ignored lingerie? The Celebrity Lingerie Hall of Fame Museum in the United States has the inner stories of a number of celebs you would love to take a look at. From the inners worn by Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump to undies from various other celebs, you can now see it all.

If museums haven’t been your thing yet, maybe these could change that thought, eh?