When A Man Means His Apology With 300 ‘Sorry’ Banners

A boyfriend in Pune put up 300 banners to say sorry to his girl.

Image Credit: dnaindia

Have you ever felt that someone is saying sorry, but they don’t mean it? They are just saying it to end the argument, or because they want to escape from the conflicting or awkward situation. And this is often the case among couples.

But a boyfriend in Pune found the most eccentric way to tell his girlfriend that he means his apology. As if there were not enough weird things in this world, he made a perfect show of his apology by putting up 300 street banners to say ‘sorry’.

The act, however, is likely to get the 25-year-old businessman, Nilesh Khedekar, in trouble with the local police. The latter is approaching the regional civic body to initiate action as per rules dealing with illegal hoardings and defacement of public property.

Nilesh came up with this very creative idea after a lover’s spat with his girlfriend. But the Puneri Romeo may have gone a tad too far in his efforts to make it up to her.

One can only wonder how this would work out if ‘sorry’ banners became the proper way to apologize. Ross would put up ‘We were on a break’ banners all over the city, when he would fight with Rachel. In routine life, the municipality would provide permanent apology banners, and every day you would have to subscribe to their services to put up your name on it. Colleges and offices could have special apology boards, that are updated with new names every day. There would be an ‘apology’ app on Facebook that would become more popular and more annoying than Candy Crush.

Couples should stick to the conventional way of saying ‘sorry’.

Image Credit: goalcast

With every little individual act gaining attention on social media, it is no wonder, Nilesh felt that even his apology should be the most public it could get. He allegedly spent Rs. 72,000 on the banners, and took his friend’s help to put up the posters overnight to surprise his girlfriend, expected to pass on the same road in the morning. He also did not stop before putting up her pet name on the banners, ‘Shivde’, as that is what he lovingly calls her.

If there is one way to do an apology wrong, it is definitely this. One only prays for his relationship, because after this, one wonders how big an apology will ‘Shivde’ require.