Why A Smile Could Be The Greatest Superpower

On the Smile Power Day, one wonders why we smile so less when we know it is so important

Image Credit: twitter, vignette

Even if the Joker in the Dark Knight was being eerie and even if he believed in anarchy, he gave a strong message in three words, “Why so serious?” Though his reasons were wrong, his style was right.

The avengers should have tried smiling when Thanos tried to annihilate them. Image spider man smiling, instead of telling Iron Man that he does not feel well. It could have helped, as after all, smiling is the greatest superpower.

Smiling is the greatest superpower

Image Credit: Movie – The Avengers – Infinity War, Spider-Man

Science has proven and common sense had validated that smiling can lighten any burden, however heavy, and solve any stalemate, however stubborn.

However, unfortunately, now we are so busy in our digital devices, with heads down and humped backs, that a smile on the face is glared out by the brightness of your cell. Imagine, a day where the commuters in a crowded public transport decide to smile and help each other, the crowd will definitely be less stifling that day. Compare a happy day in office to a heated meeting, and the difference would probably lie in the tone of something being said. Even a bitter comment can turn into positive feedback with a smile.

Science has shown that the mere act of smiling can lift your mood, lower stress, boost your immune system and possibly even prolong your life. While you believed that it worked backwards, that happiness would make you smile. Science has proven that smiling can trick your brain into happiness.

When you smile, the brain sees the muscle activity and assumes that humour is happening. In simpler words, the brain loves a grin. It does not bother to sort out whether you are smiling because you are genuinely joyous, or because you are just pretending.

Have you seen the laughter clubs in parks in the morning? While other jog to keep healthy, some people stand in the middle of the park, and laugh their way to good health. Almost all advertisement leverage on a good smile to produce a happy feeling in you, to make you think that the product makes you happy, whereas in fact, it is the smile on the poster.

It is a natural wonder that smiling is contagious. It just shows that even the nature planned things in such a way that happiness would spread, and sadness should reach its logical end.

So, if you want to change the world, and don’t have time to join any NGO or undertake charity, just smile. A few muscles can make the world a better place.

Read Also: Smile More To Health, Its Smile Power Day!