Why Am I Slowly Giving Up On God?

Will the world have only atheists very soon?

Image Credit: Movie - PK

Remember the times, when you did some mischief and your mom would say, if you do it again, “God will curse you”? As young kids, we were such a god-fearing lot, weren’t we? Gone are the days when the younger generation used to be afraid of a ‘powerful God’ watching over their actions. Contrary to the childhood beliefs when they would be scared of the “God watches everything” adage, now they don’t believe in the overall concept at all. In fact, as humorously depicted in our Bollywood movies, the only time students do start making deals with God is during their exams. Why has this happened to our generation, and was it inevitable?

We are often forced to pray for our well-being, but we hardly do it from within

Image Credit: Pinterest.com

I feel that a lot of this has to do with what most of the present generation is exposed to. We generally love to believe only in the things we see or experience! Science has been right all along. Tell a school kid that God created us; she will laugh you away and prove how we have evolved from Monkeys! Therefore, when they are desperately coaxed by Indian mothers, they have only one question – “I’ll make God happy if I do this, fine – but, where is this God?”

Pi from the movie ‘Life of Pi’, believed, not God, but western medicine saved his dad

Image Credit: Movie – Life Of Pi

Till now, I don’t know a single person who has actually seen God or has had a telephonic conversation with him. Our mothers and grandmothers might put it down as “He’s in your heart,” or that, “Shush! Don’t say such things!” – Unfortunately; the world wouldn’t have found a cure for life-threatening diseases if the physicians simply depended on God to cure the patients. So, with all that information and education, are we slowly drifting towards a world of atheists? Most of the younger generation doesn’t see any purpose in organizing elaborate rituals, observing long fasts or regularly visiting their places of worship anymore. What they believe is, “why don’t we do something actually good for the people, instead of praying to God about it?”

The youth of today is more practical and are more result-oriented than ever before. Although most youngsters today don’t believe in God, some still think there is a super power somewhere. Whatever it is, although this generation has given up on God, they still believe in humanity and for now, that is really a positive sign!

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