Why Are People Falling Over For This Bizarre Instagram Trend?

The latest Insta trend includes #FallingStars.

Image Credit: Instagram

If you thought that Instagram posts are all about poise and glamour, then you could be wrong. The present trend wants you to fall over, albeit in style.

After the #InMyFeelings Challenge this year, which was responsible for tripping up a lot of people, the new #FallingStars, actually wants you to fall down, harder than Humpty Dumpty. And it does not want you to crack your shell, instead, it needs you to be surrounded by luxury and extravaganza.

FallingStars needs the users to be face down with expensive stuff scattered around

Image Credit: Instagram

The challenge doesn’t include only people falling down but also display an array of things scattered on the ground. So far, Instagram is flooded with everything imaginable in the universe, from cosmetics and jewellery to kitchen utensils and vegetables!

It is believed that the fad actually began in Russia but now seems to be covering ground (pun intended) all over the globe. And it matches with the dystopian inclinations, where you just need another reason to show off your vanity, surrounded by expensive possessions. The post is just a reason to display your wanton wealth and luxury.

People are using the challenge to show off their vanity

Image Credit: Instagram

For reasons yet to be grasped, the challenge seems to be become a popularity contest between vain users, to the platform in their droves to upload themselves spread-eagled in front of private jets and opulent backdrops.

So, while the other challenges might have been harmful to your safety, this one could harm vain egos by giving them a needless boost.