Why It’s Time To Break The Rut

On Break the Monotony Day, we look into ways to make something more out of the daily routine.


Most of us are bored of the daily rut. The same wake up, work, eat, sleep cycles that seem to drone on for lives. Weekends come and go in a wink. Even the weekends may become tedious, with the same party plans, same friends, or same weekend traditions.

Today, on Break the Monotony Day, let’s try to shatter the weariness of routine by infusing some freshness in daily life.

Like Alice in Wonderland, we can begin the day by thinking 6 impossible things before breakfast. Nothing is more motivating to have a brilliant day than some thoughtful boost in the morning. Instead of the usual breakfast, exercise and heading out, take some time to think of life goals to motivate yourself to have a fruitful day.

Try to learn a different sport instead of the usual exercise. And the internet is full of whacky recipes with routine ingredients to break the monotony at meals. Trying a new wardrobe and grooming yourself can also help to mediate the repetition. An economical wardrobe change can work wonders on confidence and colour up our lives.

Apart from the usual listening to music and playing video games, work can be made interesting by making new friends, researching for a weekend getaway or subscribing to fun content. You can also take a new path to work every day. But more than anything, catching up with people, meeting new people, learning about them and their work can not only break the monotony, but is a great exercise in networking.

Even among friends, peers or partner, daily interaction can dilute the novelty and excitement in relationship. So, trying out some new eateries, taking trips, learning anew hobby together and talking about each other’s interests can help to break routineness. Surprising your mate with gifts, planning a nice home-cooked meal are some ways to rejuvenate relationship.

Getting away from the virtual world, learning a new hobby, travelling and reading can go a long way to elevate a humdrum life to something exciting. Most posts that we like on Facebook are ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things.oi

Daily life progresses at its own humdrum pace. It is up to us to gather the fold and dance along way. It is on us to live everyday like Friday.