Why Millennials Are So Fond Of Drugs?

Do you ever wonder “WHY” ?

Why Millennials Are So Fond Of Drugs?
Image Credit: Pexels.com

It is no hidden fact that the Millennials are extremely caught up in the mess of drugs. An alarming number of college going students are addicted to one or more kind of drugs. There are laws to control these habits but to with no serious results. There have also been several anti-drug campaigns but with no serious impact. The recreational drug use by Millennials is only increasing. But what is it that make Millennials start doing drugs? Let’s find out-

Peer Pressure And Curiosity

Many give in to bullying and peer pressure and turn to drugs.
Many give in to bullying and peer pressure and turn to drugs.

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

These are two most common reasons. Most of the students just start using drugs to experience how it feels to be high. And, to be honest, we have all been curious about that at some or the other point of time. Add to that the unasked for peer pressure, and you have the perfect combination to push any clean student into the mess of drugs. Everyone is trying to make friends and fit in. And if drugs are one way to do that, many just go for it!

Oh The Stress!

Another common reason of turning to drugs is stress! We all know how competitive and ridiculously difficult the academic curriculum has become. And that sort of pressure isn’t something everyone can handle. Although it is never a good enough excuse to use drugs, many Millennials think otherwise. Drugs become their way of fun and relaxation.
A lot of students turn to drugs post failure. It is something they use to cope up with all the pressure of failing and of course the disappointments. And then, many just do as an act of “rebellion” against their strict parents.

Weight Loss

The truth is that you lose way more than just weight. You lost mental stability. You lose healthiness of your body as a whole. And so much more!
The truth is that you lose way more than just weight. You lost mental stability. You lose healthiness of your body as a whole. And so much more!

Image Credit: Unsplash.com

Yes, as surprising as it sounds, it is true! Cocaine and prescription pills like Adderall and even smoking weed or had can help induce weight loss. The reality is that it comes with significant side effects and a mental toll. But that information is often ignored by the Millennials. Many young women and men who desperately want to lose weight just start using drugs.

Drugs are never an answer until unless it has prescribed by a doctor/psychiatrist/psychologist. Say no to drugs!