World Blood Donor Day: Busting Myths About Blood Donation

Trust the facts, bust the myths.

World Blood Donor Day: Busting Myths About Blood Donation
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Every year on the 11th of June, we recognize World Blood Donor Day to express gratitude towards those who voluntarily donate blood as a service to mankind. The day is also significant in spreading awareness related to the act of blood donation. Even today, a great many number of people remain uneducated on this crucial topic. While there are those who are skeptical about donating blood because of strange myths they believe in, there are also those who just lack the initiative. This day is about getting both such people to believe in the initiative and also act upon it. Here, in this article we will try to bust a few of the most common myths about blood donation.

It Is Unhealthy, Dangerous Or Painful

World Blood Donor Day is one of the eight global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO).
World Blood Donor Day is one of the eight global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO).

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No, it is not. The pain you experience during blood donation is limited to a needle prick. Remember that blood test when you fell sick? That’s it. There’s no additional pain or discomfort. Secondly, no it is not at all dangerous. Blood donation follows a very clean and methodical procedure. There’s no scope of contamination or infection because sterility is maintained at all steps. So if anything, you will be feeling great for helping others. And finally, it is not unhealthy. Although it is always advised to rest after donating, you can carry on with your normal day immediately after the process. Consume good amount of liquids to fasten the process of blood recovery. Only about 350-450ml (1 pint) of blood is taken during a donation session. All your red blood cells get replaced within 3-4 days.

There’s Enough Blood In The Banks

Can we stop assuming things already? First of all, blood is a natural product and thus, it has a limited shelf life. This makes replenishment of stock absolutely crucial and necessary. Secondly, there’s requirement of all types of blood everywhere around the world. No, the blood banks do not have *enough* stock. As if 2015-16, India was 9 per cent short of its blood requirement. So, do away with this excuse and please donate blood.

“But, I Have Cold”

Congratulations, you have won the lamest excuse award for not donating blood. Come on? Common cold and related allergies have nothing to do with your blood. You can donate blood just like everyone else. Neither your health nor the blood you donate will have any sort of inconsistency. Find a better excuse than this or even better, quit giving excuses and just do it. You will help save lives!!

You Will Not Be The Same Person Anymore

You become a part of something bigger.
You become a part of something bigger.

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This is one hell of a tricky myth! Well of course you will be the same person (biologically speaking). You can carry on with your life immediately after the process. Donating blood will never interfere with your lifestyle or your abilities. In fact, you can even return to your fitness regime the next day. There’s absolutely no change in your body except of course the process of blood recovery which is a normal and periodic process.

But then again, you will not be the same person anymore. Donating blood can change you as a person because you are now part of something bigger. You have made a contribution that is going to save lives. Blood donation might just make an even better person out of you. In this context, this myth stands true to its words 😉