World Password Day: The “So-Relatable” Password Pressure On All of Us

Oh the pain of remembering and setting those passwords!

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The pressure of passwords was added to the burden and that made our lives even more tiresome. The struggle is real, the pain that follows after we forget our passwords hurts worse than a lot of imaginable things. The huge deal about passwords does not end with just remembering the damn thing, but we also have to set a password which has to be strong enough. I mean, how would we know what is strong and what is not for a password? But obviously, we do not get to decide the strength. We only get to wrack our brains out by coming up with a suitable password.

On World Password Day, let us take a close look at the unending password related struggle we face from time to time and come out alive:

What Is The Deal With All The Lower Case And Upper Case Drama Is Beyond Our Comprehension?

We know it is a question of security, but it’s irritating!

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You want to open an account somewhere, and you thought you had the world at your fingertips because the internet is a boon and it is supposed to make your life easier. But think of all the struggle that you go through when you put a certain password and just when you were gloating over your creativity, your bubble is burst. Why? Because your password will not survive without the upper case, lower case and god knows how many cases or characters? A little heads up before setting the password would have been nice.

It Is A Test Of Our Patience, A Test We Often Fail Miserably

The endless demands of the perfect password are too annoying!

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As if the case controversy was not enough. The passwords we set for a new account anywhere have loftier demands. Say, you put a password, and they ask for more characters. You do that, they ask for a numerical character. You comply with that too and then they ask for an upper case character. And after all your troubles, they say that the password is already in use. Who does that? It is almost like dealing with an annoying kid with endless demands.

The Memory Game Will Sharpen Your Brain. Or So You’d Think!

We do away with so many sites when we don’t remember credentials right?

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We already have a lot to recall. Life offers us enough good and bad things on a daily basis, which must be committed to memory for future use. Amidst all that, it is legit that we may forget a password or two, but the drama that ensues once we have forgotten the password is tiring. If you cannot remember every password you set for a particular account, then how on earth are you expected to remember some vague Email ID you used in that account? Or even worse is the security question that you had. If we could remember all of that, then would we have forgotten our password in the first place?

WiFi Is Our Best Friend. Everywhere!

There are good passwords, and then there are unimaginable ones

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Bar rituals are a common thing now and even more common are the bars which attract more customers because those are the bars with a WiFi connection. And the passwords they have are something that will get you thinking. Some of the bars will not even share the password with you and you will be asked to hand your phone over to the bartender for him to type the password. Now, that is some serious trust issue here.

Love Kills And So Do Old Passwords

The password that reminds of our ex! Damn!

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However much we might deny, we do use names of our secret crush or our partners as our passwords. But, it is mandatory that you change your passwords from time to time, especially if you have your ex-girlfriend’s or boyfriend’s name as your password. Breakups hurt and those passwords hurt worse than the breakups. So it is best to move on, in every way possible.

Happy World Password Day!