These 5 Food Etiquette Mistakes must be avoided on a Plane

Here are five food sins to avoid committing during a flight


Frequent air travellers know many hacks to get around the boring, mundane and lengthy routines of flying; whether you are an aisle seat person or love clicking the wing and clouds for Instagram, here are a few faux paus and etiquettes to avoid when it comes to food on the plane.
Little etiquettes that travellers need to follow to make the ride peaceful not just for you but for everyone. Between the long security lines, the maddening boarding process, the unbearable baggage claim process – the last thing anyone wants is encounter a messy, manner less eater.

Avoid smelly, hot and pungent food

Eating Biriyani on a trip to Hyderabad is a definite must do, but if you plan to take it on board and eat it, then it’s a tormenting experience for others due to the pungent and sticky smell created by aromatic spices and garlic. Also, hot foods are a strict no-no onboard. It is risky and the food from fast-food joints can have highly identifiable smell that can cause problem for co passengers. Trapped odours of raw onions, grease and meat on a plane can be very atrocious.

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Food on the tray table

If you have the habit of spilling the peanuts ‘on the tray’ and nibbling from it, they here’s a fact for you, not only is the tray table infested with bacteria and germs, it never gets sterilized. According to a study the tray table on airplane harbor an average of 2,155 colony-forming units of bacteria per square inch.
Some even eat the fallen food off the tray table, it not just sounds and looks gross, but it is downright obnoxious.

Avoid excessive drinking

A glass of nice (free!) wine can’t be harmful, but too much of it can cause to be inebriated. Intoxication may lead you to behave rudely or loudly with staff of fellow flyers; besides, health wise, alcohol is extremely dehydrating and along with the low humidity of the plane it could mean putting your body deliberately to a drying experience. Excessive drinking also lowers your immune system in general, so always remember that “One drink in the air is like drinking two on the ground—it can affect you faster.”

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Careful when opening containers

Always open any milk, yoghurt or any other liquid based container slowely and away from the passenger seated next to you. The pressure created by the high altitude may make the containers ooze out.
You don’t want to frizz off anything on the passenger sitting with you.  And God forbid if you do spray something on someone allow them to wipe contents from their face and chest themselves. Don’t automatically assume that they would want you to touch their face and chest.