5 Innovative Ways Of Adding Beetroot To Food

Beets can be added to your food in ways you can never imagine of

Image Credit: Pixabay

Beetroot is a super vegetable that has more benefits than one can ever imagine. Not a beet person? You can still add this vegetable in innovative ways to get that nutrition. Here are some great ways to try adding beetroot to your food

Beetroot Tikki Is A Perfect Evening Snack

Yummy beet tikkis

Image Credit: Saba Shaikh Kitchen

Corn flour, masala, sooji, potatoes and beets is all it takes to create some gastronomical delicacy! After a tiresome day, all we need is a yummy and crunchy snack that can brighten us up. This tikki is healthy and tasty and tastes delicious with an accompaniment like coriander chutney. Don’t like the red color on top? Add more potatoes.

Heard Of Beetroot Chai?

Beetroot Latte Chai for your evening

Image Credit: Hello Good Sip Chai

This winter season, a hot chai is what makes our life healthier and happier. What if you get a healthy alternative to the regular chai? It’s a blessing. Boil chopped beets in water and add rest of the ingredients like lemon, mint , ginger etc in the same. Remember not to add any tea powder to it. The final drink is a delight and is also an antioxidant that can keep you free from any toxins.

Chocolate Beet Cake For The Cake Lovers

Oh, that’s yummm!

Image Credit: Tesco Real Food

Now, this is one innovative recipe that everyone will like. Beet puree added to the chocolate cake mix will do the magic. You cannot spot beets anywhere in this cake. This is healthy too. Whether or not you do frosting, you can directly munch this cake. Cook this for the new year!

Pickled Beets To Spice Your Food

Easy to make pickled beets

Image Credit: Inspired By Charm

If you are someone who is fond of pickled food, you will love this innovative recipe. Cook beets partially and slice them. Immerse the beets in vinegar and some salt and mustard powder.

Close the jar and wait for 3 days! Voila! Your pickled beet is ready. Spice up with masalas and add it to foods of your choice or you can just eat some on the go.

Beetroot Mint Smoothie To Begin Your Day

This smoothie makes you beautiful and keeps you free from toxins too!

Image Credit: Vinicooksveg

As soon as you wake up, remember to take some beets, mint leaves and greens of your choice and blend. This smoothie is sweet but if you like it sweeter you can add sugar to it as per your choice. You will not feel like drinking beets as aroma of mint leaves will dominate the recipe.

Beets are supposed to be used everyday. Apply these recipes and you will love it.