All About The Ills And Wells Of Mustard Oil

Love mustard oil fried snacks? Read this before you overeat!


Who can ever be tired of eating fried stuff? If we could, we’d probably have fried chicken for breakfast, lunch and dinner and deep fried chicken or bacon for dessert. But of course, we cannot, because of the little issue of health that comes in between. The medium for not just frying but for cooking has consistently been mustard oil for the greater part of Indian cooking history unapologetically. And we have no regrets or complaints. The other alternatives to mustard oil are either not just as good to taste or immensely unhealthy.

But do we know everything we need to know about mustard oil?

The potentially dangerous effects of mustard oil on our health

Although used for cooking, frying and even applied on the skin and hair since the ages of our great grandmothers, there are certain ill-effects of mustard oil, which we cannot neglect. The mustard oil we get today, is far from the raw unadulterated version of the old ages. Thus, it’s better to know about its adverse effects before we use it further:

  • It contains erucic acid (approximately 42%-47%), which is an unhealthy fatty acid compound. Hence, high consumption of mustard oil may lead to respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and anemia.
  • It can also yield fatal consequences when it comes to your heart. It is associated with a condition called Myocardial Lipidosis.
  • High levels of mustard oil consumption can also significantly enhance lung cancer risks and can pave the way to Dropsy, the worst condition of Edema.
  • Mustard oil contains a harmful chemical known as allylisothiocyanate. It is an overwhelming irritant, which when consumed orally in high amounts can lead to the severe inflammation of intestines, linings of lungs, gastrointestinal tract etc.

The benefits of Mustard Oil?

Mustard Oil – fried Food has an Excellent Flavor to it

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Although it has certain serious ill-effects, we cannot, however, rule out its benefits, which have convinced our ancestors to believe in this product so much.

  • It is a natural stimulant. It enriches your digestion and appetite by secreting digestive juices and bile. It helps eradicate the toxins from the body.
  • It is known to contain anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics.
  • Mustard oil is very beneficial for reducing the risks associated with asthma.
  • The heavy concentration of fatty acids in mustard oil is known to enhance and improve brain function and helps deal with depression. Additionally, it provides an impetus to cognitive functions in the brain.
Irrfan Khan absolutely loved the food in his Lunchbox

Despite its benefits and shortcomings, mustard oil is the staple ingredient in a traditional Indian household and it makes no sense to cut it out completely. It definitely helps the fried stuff as well as cooked food taste better. Do you think Saajan would have fallen in love with Ila in “Lunchbox” if it wasn’t for mustard oil?! Perhaps not. But too much and too little of anything is bad. So know your limits before you embark on a mustard oil fried snacking spree!

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