Celebrate A Cocktail Party At Your Home This New Year

Welcome the new year with a cocktail party at your home

Image Credit: Pixabay

Planning to party this Dec 31 but not got your tickets? Celebrate it at your home by throwing a cocktail party and inviting your friends to it.

Right Cocktails For The Party

A range of cocktails for you to choose from

Image Credit: Pixabay

Well, a cocktail party usually is a hit only if it has alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Here are few alcoholic cocktails that you should plan.

  • For lime juice addict, give a Margarita cocktail made of silver tequila and lime juice
  • Need booze that soothes you? Plan to give Manhattan cocktail made of rye whiskey and sweet vermouth served in a martini glass.
  • For a light effect, the daiquiri is ideal and you only need a blend of light rum, lime juice and simple syrup.
  • If you don’t find anything appealing, rum and coke is the perfect pair and you just can make it in a jiffy.
  • For non-alcoholic guests, plan to serve them mojito from lemon, raspberry or cranberry and top it with mint leaves.

Accompaniments To Serve With Your Cocktail

Nachos served with your cocktail

Image Credit: Pixabay

A cocktail party is incomplete if it does not have the suitable combos. Even though you garnish the glass, there is still an accompaniment needed. Some of the wonderful accompaniments that can leave your guests awestruck are here.

  • Nachos along with Margarita is a pair that belongs to each other
  • Tacos and Manhattan cocktail go hand in hand
  • If you want a dry recipe instead of a crunchy one, plan for a mushroom fry and garnish with soy sauce. Oh, that’s a tasty delight!
  • If you have a guest who prefers to have salads, you can design the platter with a cocktail onion, citrus wedges, carrot, cucumber slices and herbs. This combination is healthy too.

Customize the drinks based on the preference of your guest. All you need is a blender and you can save bucks by making at home. Give a good start to the year with these cocktail pairings which will rejuvenate the mind of your guests and turn to be an unforgettable memory.