Chai, A Cup For Every Mood

How one cup of tea can weave magic sometimes


When we look back on some of the best conversations we have had in our life, some of them will surely involve a cup of tea. Never mind the aroma, the taste and texture of the tea, or how it was served. While making the right tea is itself an art, it diminishes in importance if the conversation is right.

Chai has again been acknowledged as the National Drink when a chaiwallah became the Prime Minister. Now he interacts with the tea drinking masses, every Sunday on Chai pe Charcha.

The most vivid memory for most will be the monsoon chai with steaming hot pakoras. In most houses, this cup of tea is a ritual. It is an excuse for the family to come together and enjoy the beginning of monsoon.

Another favourite of mother’s tea is often the weak and watery tea she makes when we are convalescing from a fever. After the bland food prescribed by the doctor, this tea is a symptom that you are recovering.

One more time when mothers make tea with extra love is when you return home after spending some time away on work, education or travel. These welcome home chais are filled with news, catching up, worrying over your health and family gossip. Just the way she chatters on is enough for you to know that you were missed at home.

Then there are those chai sessions on culverts and college canteen with your friends. These chai and sutta breaks are times to discuss topics from mundane to profound. Crushes, teacher gossips to life philosophies and success goals are discussed.

Another favourite tea for most is the hot piping cup on roads less travelled. These tea cups amidst mountain mists and wild forests become a part of travel diaries. The friends with whom you share these cups stay forever in your life, if not in reality, at least in spirit.

A more special chai with the one which you share with your partner on a long drive. It may not be comparable to the lazy Earl Grey on a balmy Sunday morning, with a good read or music. This tea is a promise of a well-deserved rest.

Then there is cups of tea you share daily with your colleagues during office hours. This is the centre for office grapevine and catharsis for all the work grievances. At HFT office, we share more pleasant cups of herbal tea.

Another memorable cup may be the High Tea with the authorities if you are invited. This invitation may be a mark that you have arrived in life.

Indeed, the tea seems the most versatile companion for every mood.