Five Innovative Ways To Enjoy Popcorn

From mac and cheese popcorn munchies to a delish caramel dessert treat, here’s all what you can do with your favourite movie time snack


Raise your hands, if you too like me think that no movie experience is ever complete without that mandatory bucket of popcorn. There is something about the combination of warm, buttery popcorns, downed will gallons of cola, munched while enjoying your favourite movie. However, even though popcorn has gained almost a cult status when it comes to a theatre time snack, this versatile healthy snack is still underutilized. Wondering why? Because there can be a ton of innovative ways in which popcorn can be had. This low in fat and calories and free of sugar and sodium power kernel can effectively replace all your unhealthy snacks. All you need is a little bit of imagination in the kitchen or simply a read through our story. Trust us your popcorn will never be the same again!

Popcorn Mac And Cheese

Feeling hungry but equally lazy to dish up an entire meal for yourself? Before stuffing your mouth with a bowl of noodles or any other quick-fix junk here’s what you need to do. Take a bowl of freshly microwaved popcorn add half a teaspoon of butter and mac and cheese mix and just lightly toast it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Voila, a filling meal is ready!

Popcorn Granola Crunch

Add all the healthy nuts for a power pack ‘pop’ snack

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Are your mornings always hurried with little or no time for making a full-fledged breakfast? Fret not. Here’s how to make a popcorn granola treat and store them in air-tight containers. Just snuck a fistful in your pockets when you go out of the door and healthy brekkie sorted. Here’s how to do it – Mix some assorted nuts almonds, cashews and pine nut and lightly toast them next chop them into smaller bites and make a mix. Add to it small bits of dried dates, dried raspberries, chia seeds and mix it along with broken kernels of popcorn. We are talking about a power breakfast guys. Go for it.

Gooey Popcorn Dessert Delight

Bring on the chocolate sauce, marshmallows, raspberries and just dunk the kernels

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Friends coming over for a midnight movie marathon? Skip the usual and serve them bowls of decadent goodness. Add a generous amount of Nutella and any caramel sauce that you may have. If you think this is magic then wait on what can unfold. Add to it some gems, a few bits of marshmallows and slurp away.

Popcorn sides with steaks: So, you thought only mashed potatoes or grilled veggies can be the right accompaniments to steak meal. Not if you follow this quick side tip. Next time while plating a steak dinner, do the twist. Mix up some pesto with popcorn and a drizzle of olive oil with oregano flakes. We bet your guests will love this great, healthy side.

Red Hot Popcorns

The hot version will leave you craving for more

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Like spice? We do too. In our life and also on our popcorns. For that really posh version of that desi mirchi chips we used to have as kids just sprinkle paprika powder over your popcorn and give a lime drizzle. The more daring can top it with a shot of hot sauce. Real, hot, bliss!

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