Here’s How You Can Lose Weight In The Kitchen

You already have the weight loss mantra at home, just use it right


If you’ve ever heard or read this popular phrase, you’ll know that the secret to losing weight is not really as much in the gym or in your workout, as it is in the foods that you eat or miss out on.

If you’re losing to lose weight in a healthy way so that it does not come back suddenly, or in a way that you lose weight without facing any health issues, take a look at these foods that can really help. In case you are on medication or know of any health issues or food allergies you suffer from, please first speak to your doctor.

1. Eggs Along With The Whites And The Yolk

Boil a few eggs at the start of the week, refrigerate and have them every day before heading to work

Image Credit: onceuponachef

Did you also go through the phase of having just the egg whites, or discarding the whites and having just the yolks? If you’ve been yo-yo-ing with eggs like this, the good news is – you can now start eating it whole. Eggs are full of proteins and healthy fats that will make you feel full without loading on the calories, and as a result prevent overeating.

2. Spinach And Other Greens

A quick and easy way to have your greens is to juice them

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Popeye’s friend is loaded with fibre and has very low amounts of carbohydrates and calories, which won’t make you feel guilty even if you eat a lot. Spinach and other greens such as mustard or turnip greens, even methi contain a good amount of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and calcium that can boost weight loss.

3. Cabbage And Cauliflower

Add it in salads and see the difference

Image Credit: taste

Both these vegetables are high in their fibre content and also contain a good amount of proteins, especially for those who do not eat meats. Having a good amount of fibre and protein and being low energy density makes them perfect for a weight loss diet. Try adding cabbage in your salads every day and see the difference.

4. Paneer, Or Cottage Cheese

Have as cooked, grilled or sautéed

Image Credit: quicheaweek

The good old paneer makes a great food when you’re trying to lose weight. It is almost all protein and has very less amounts of fat and carbohydrates. Eating paneer will make you feel full without loading on any calories or carbs, and this will also prevent any overeating. Paneer also contains a good amount of calcium that can help to further boost your weight loss.

In addition to all the above, having a spoon of coconut oil or apple cider vinegar a day can really help to break down the fat and speed up the weight loss process.

Read Also: Lose Weight Without Losing Nutrition