Here’s How Your Pizza Will Be Healthier Yet As Tasty

Pizza and health? Yes, they can go along together!

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In exchange of our most favorite tasty food dishes, would you be able to eat boiled vegetables every day? The change in regular lifestyle is of utmost necessity with the growing amount of diseases surrounding us! For all you pizza lovers in there, we found solutions through which you don’t have to give up pizza to remain healthy.

Sounds a bit strange does it not? Here’s why it is very much possible to do so!

Make Your Crust Thinner

The thinner the crust of your pizza, the healthier the pizza is

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The amount of unhealthy cheese we consume through pizza reduces with the crust we choose. You can either choose to make your own thin crust at home with whole grain or order for a thin one at the restaurant!

Control The Amount Of Cheese You Eat

For all those hoping to lose some weight, a lesser amount of mozzarella can go a long way to reducing the amount of fat in your pizza! Rather than adding whole slices of cheese, sprinkling cheese on the layers can do wonders!

Vegetable Piles Can Save Your Day

Add enough vegetables to your pizza! Be it the capsicum, tomato or even olives. Try and make your own pizza with a variety of colorful veggies. Vegetables are not as bad as you think they are!

Try Avoiding Some Specific Luring Toppings

Replace those sausages and pepperoni with some healthy aubergines

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Fatty sausages and pepperoni may make your mouth water but it is not healthy! Aubergines and courgettes are much of a better option if you choose them for pizza!

Make Your Own Sauce

Rather than paying extra money for the sauce, try making your own pizza and your own tomato sauce. This would even let you control the amount of sauce you consume while you indulge in your favorite kind of junk food!

Add More Greens

If you are making your own pizza, try putting greens such as basil and spinach in your pizza. When added amidst all other vegetables, green only enhance the taste even further!

Use Fresh Cheese

There is nothing better than fresh ingredients in your pizza. Cheese is a treat for all of us foodies out there but always remember to check the manufacturing date before you buy some!

Proteins Are Healthy For The Diet

Pack some much-needed protein and opt for shrimp toppings on your Pizza

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Processed meat have increased risks of cancer and other diseases and hence using less of them is a much better option. Try using omega-3, rich anchovies or even shrimp for your pizza and make it delicious!

Try Salads With Pizza

Try to avoid eating pizza all by itself, to balance out you can try adding some lettuce, lemon, and tomato along with cucumber as a salad dish to your tasty delicious pizza! This will do you more good than harm.

Take Care Of The Portions You Consume

For foodies, it often becomes very difficult to avoid eating more pizza when the dish is kept in front of us. But if we are a little bit conscious of our portions and keep in mind to avoid over-eating, we shall be fine!

So, these are all the ways we can avoid giving up on our favorite dish and at the same time keeping in mind the notion of a healthy lifestyle!