How Well Do You Know The Tabasco Sauce?

We bet you will pay more attention to the Tabasco sauce after you read this


How many of you have used the Tabasco sauce to add that extra oomph to your boring bland food? I definitely have and I am pretty much sure most of you have too. Today the Tabasco sauce is a star sauce as it has appeared in some of the James Bond movies as well, it seems to be the favorite condiment for the villains in the Bond films!

But how well do we know this world famous sauce which is retailed on over 185 countries in different languages? Here’s all that we bet you didn’t know about this hot favorite sauce.

Did you know that the Avery Island Louisiana is the home of the Tabasco factory? It’s where the Tabasco sauce originated and comes from. Every single bottle is filled in the Tabasco Factory there. It was first made by Edmund McIlhenny in 1868 when he had lost everything in America’s Civil War.

Every single bottle is filled in the Tabasco Factory in Avery Island Louisiana

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The Tabasco sauce was originally packaged in cologne bottles. When Edmund first decided to package the sauce, he used a washed cologne bottle. The shape of the bottle remains the same ever since. The only thing that has changed is the top which was originally a wax seal but the rest remains the same.

On of the oldest bottles of Tabasco

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That’s not all, the recipe of Tabasco also remains the same. It is made from only 3 ingredients: aged red peppers, vinegar, and salt from Avery Island. The hand-picked peppers have never been genetically modified, meaning they’re genetically the same as the original peppers.

Like fine wine, Tabasco too is aged. The mashed red peppers that is used to make Tabasco spends up to three years maturing in white oak barrels.

If you look at the bottle closely, there’s a special message on the bottom of the bottle, you will notice some printed numbers on it. That is to let people know which glass mold was used in the making of their Tabasco vessel. A per reports, a Tabasco bottle from the 19th century still exists today.

This fiery red hot Tabasco sauce is everyone’s favorite

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It’s interesting to know that Tabasco is very popular with Astronauts, in other words, Tabasco is famous in outer space too! That’s because when astronauts have been in space for a while their sense of smell starts to fade and because of that, they are not able to enjoy many foods except the spicy ones. That’s the reason they always keep a stock of the Tabasco sauce.

The Tabasco sauce, has a shelf life of five years, as long as it is stored in a cool, dry place and out of direct sunlight.But the sauce never lasts that long; from burgers to fries, to pakoras, Tabasco goes with almost anything and adds that extra spice to the food and to life too!

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