Iced Teas – Your Perfect Summer Drink!

Try these innovative iced tea flavours!

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Sipping a glass of refreshing iced tea on a hot Sunday afternoon is perhaps the best way to cool and soothe ourselves. We all love a perfect bowl of iced tea, which has a subtle hint of our usual tea flavour, and otherwise has the lovely flavour of the fruit or herb we pair it with. Iced teas have become popular drinks all over the globe, and come in almost all flavours. Lemon, peach, black tea, matcha, strawberry and raspberry are some common flavours. But have you heard of these flavours of iced tea?

Mango Iced Tea: The King Of Iced Teas!

Aam ki iced tea koi aam cheez nahi hai!

Image Credit: Organic Facts

Mango is a fruit we all crave for in summer. And mango in an iced tea? Wow! All our wishes fulfilled! This iced tea is pretty easy to make. Just heat some water on the stove and add 2-3 teaspoons of our dear black tea. Then cool down this mixture. Put it in the blender and mix it with some chopped mangoes, lemon juice and sugar as per your preference. A perfect way to enjoy mango this season!

Cucumber And Mint Green Tea: Healthy, Light And Yum!

A great combo, great flavour!

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Cucumber and mint are an amazingly refreshing combination! Adding these to an iced tea just make it extra delicious. This is an easy recipe. Just make the usual green tea using tea bags. Then cool it down. During the cooling process, add some cucumber slices and mint sprigs to it. This will help infuse the flavour of the tea. You can add honey as a sweetener. It is just yummy!

Ginger Iced Tea: Adrak Waali Iced Tea

Like adrak waali chai? Try adrak waali iced tea

Image Credit: Blog Engage

All the ginger lovers out there, make sure you try this one! We get readymade ginger tea bags in the market, so you can use those, or you can use grated ginger for this tea. Just put the tea bag or the grated ginger (as much as you like) and heat the water in it. Then remove it from the heat and cool it down. Again, you can add honey to sweeten or lessen the flavour of this strong tea. You can also pair this up with other flavours you like; say lime, orange, cinnamon, or even cardamom.

Ready to try these iced teas?