Make Natural Food Coloring From Vegetables And Fruits

Say NO to artificial food colour this New Year!

Image Credit: pixabay

We rush every noon to have our lunch at a nearby food outlet. But, how many times have we realized that the color of the food is from artificial food colors that are full of chemicals? It scare you if when you get to know the actual compounds that yield the color. But here’s the good news! You can prepare natural food coloring on your own in a much healthier way from vegetables and fruits.

The Fresh Green Food Color From Spinach

Spinach leaves are treat to your eyes

Image Credit: Pixabay

Be it mint rice or spinach rice, we get the color by default. But the tikkis or other foods don’t get the complete color. Rinse and dehydrate spinach just immediately after the harvest.

Sun dry the spinach leaves on a tray and leave it for 2-3 days until they turn completely dry. Powder and store it. Sprinkle over the dishes and there you have your very own fresh color for food!

Mild Yellow From Orange Peels

Decor your food with mild yellow coloring

Image Credit: Pixabay

Every time we eat an orange, the peels go to the dustbin. It is time to reuse and create a calm color! Take a chopped cup of orange peels and add 2 cups of water. Leave it to medium heat and sim down till an hour.

Turn off. Strain the dye in a container. This is in liquid format. If you want in a solid form, you need to dry the peel and powder them once dry.

Beets For A Bright Red Color

The natural food color from beetroot

Image Credit: Pixabay

It is obvious that beets leave impressions on your hand just after you chop it. To leave the same impression on food, take a cup of chopped beets. Just take as much water needed to fill the beets and heat the mixture. Once cooked, take the vegetable and dehydrate by keeping the tray of beets inside the oven at 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the beet is completely dry. Take the dried beet and grind into powder.

You can also replace these vegetables and fruits with carrots, sweet potatoes and many more vegetables and fruits based on the color you need. The procedure is the same!

Garnish your foods in the color you want and say a NO to the artificial food color this New Year!