Netflix And Weed Beer – The Would-be Food Trend Soon?

Can weed beer give you the high you have been yearning for?

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What is that drug that is healthy yet illegal but you smoke it anyway? Time and again one question has disturbed us and we have surely lost a good amount of sleep over it – why is weed illegal in India and when will we be finally able to consume it without having to answer for it? The time is here and your dream might just become true reports suggest. All good things in life come in a cup and rumors say that weed beer might just be a thing. As amazing as that sounds it is also reportedly healthier than alcohol and highly intoxicating, well I know you know that! Also here are some updates on this one of a kind drink.

If weed beer really comes up, it will surely be hugely popular

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There was a joke that said Indian aunties don’t like shopping online because they cannot bargain and once weed beer hits the market you shall be rescued from the same nightmarish idea of bargaining especially with your peddler (if we can mention that)! Looks like weed beer might be a good thing for a number of reasons. Imagine meeting up your friends and like-minded acquaintances after a hard day’s toil and work for a couple of weed beers! They may not raise your salary but this drink will raise your state of mind and give you the high you have been looking for all along. Not just that, the idea of weed beer, as lucrative as it may sound will automatically be a healthier version of simple alcohol. In fact, that was exactly the intention behind the invention of this drink.

A cannabis company Canopy growth, (which also happens to be the largest Canadian weed producer) has made a deal with a Canadian university and with a little help from the government, they will be able to pull the foamy thing off it seems. The world has not seen anything like this before and the mind-altering drug will soon be altering lives and the face of startups/entrepreneurship! The inventors are almost sure that this way of consuming the drug will hit major weed loving areas and become popular instantaneously. Netflix and chill will soon imply Netflix and weed beer!

Can weed beer be the next thing for vapers?

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Health conscious weed consumers have been actively looking out for alternatives to tobacco or weed like vaping and the like. But these fail to be lucrative and popular especially with the masses. Today’s youth don’t want to smoke and term the act vape to sound fancy. They just want to get terribly high. If you can drink Broccolatte (the new broccoli coffee) why not weed beer? They serve the same purpose except one is for children with overprotective parents and the other is for cool youngsters like you!

So let’s hope with fingers crossed, that this rumor becomes a fact soon!