No Salt? Add These To Spice Up Your Food

Did you know that salt is naturally present in most of your foods?

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There is a famous saying that salt less food is equal to trash. But, we are going to make this statement false thanks to the number of substitutes that can spice up food.

Also, if you are high on sodium, your doctor would have advised you to cut down salt. Confused on what to add to make your food tasty? Listing some tasty alternatives to salt that are easily available and healthy too.

Peppercorn Is A Natural Salt Substitute

Colorful peppercorns that produce salt taste

Image Credit: Pixabay

Have you ever realized that slight salty taste when you munch a peppercorn? In its dried form, pepper corn powder is a great substitute to salt and is actually available in different colors. It is rich in iron and magnesium and easily accessible too.

Add Infused Oil To Your Food

Chili oil mixed with herbs

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you taste infused oils like Meyer lemon oil, truffle oil or chili oil, you can feel that taste of salt but it is never mentioned in the ingredient list. What is the reality? Oils like olive oil when mixed with Asian flavor can develop the salt taste that passes on to the food when mixed.

Garlic Is The Pride To Your Kitchen

Your salt savior is here

Image Credit: Pixabay

If your kitchen always has a garlic, then be proud about it. Some of them do not like the pungent taste of garlic. For those feeling so, purchase garlic powder and sprinkle on your dishes. You can only feel the salt taste and not garlic taste anywhere in the dishes. Amazing, don’t you think?

Cayenne Pepper Is A Savior To Spicy Food Lover

Fresh cayenne pepper is a culinary treat

Image Credit: Pixabay

If you probably are crazy about spicy food but still wanted to decrease salt, you have a solution that leaves you hopeful. Being Vitamin A rich, the market sells it in dry, fresh and powdered form. It is absolutely a culinary delight to add cayenne pepper to soups, meats and vegetables and leave your guests awestruck.

Some more substitutes for salt include vinegar, readily available low sodium condiments and flavor added herbs.

Next time when you are in short of salt or wanted to skip it, just keep this information handy.