Weird But, Why You Should Try The Icelandic Goat Head Delicacy And More

Icelandic dishes are weird, if not all then most of them just like the Icelandic goat head delicacy called Svið (svɪːð)


There traditional Icelandic dishes that are relished as a local delicacy by tourists and natives alike. And then there are some dishes that you might not have the courage to eat unless you are challenged or you like eating revolting foods.

These delicacies so as to say are also listed as some of the most disgusting food. But it won’t be right to tag Iceland for worst food as it also boasts some of the world’s most delicious food – especially when it comes to lamb or seafood.

The Icelandic Goat Head Delicacy

Dare to eat this!

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So before we can list the most unusual Icelandic dish lets know more about the Icelandic goat head delicacy and why you should try it. This dish rose in popularity at a time when conditions were harsh in Iceland and none of the body parts of a slaughtered animal could be afforded to be wasted.

Traditionally known as Svið this dish has a sheep’s head cut in half which is then singed to remove the fur. The head is then boiled with the brain removed and sometimes cured in lactic acid also. It often served during the Þorrablót mid-winter festival in Iceland.

You should try it to know how the cheek part is most meaty and tastiest of all. Believe it or not but the toughest part is eating this dish while looking straight into the sheep.

The delicacy isn’t just a simple dish to relish it has old taboos and strange Icelandic beliefs attached to it. For example, if you eat sheep’s ear it is said that it might lead to people accusing you of being a thief.

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