Why Is Musk Melon, The Ultimate Summer Fruit?

Summer melon, provides your body with all the essential nutrients

Why Is Musk Melon, The Ultimate Summer Fruit?
Image Credit: Image Credit: pixabay

When the smell of sweet, citrusy summer fruits such as the musk melon starts filling the air in the bazars and local fruit shops, you know that it is the arrival of Indian summer.

While the long Indian summer, even at its best can be described as humid and often unbearable, the season does also bring along summer favourites such as the kharbooja. The staple summer food, may get a wee bit less mileage in front of mango but it does pack a punch.

Here’s why muskmelon is the ultimate summer fruit.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Start your day with a muskmelon smoothie

Image Credit: pixabay

The number one summer savior tip is to keep your body hydrated. And guess what, muskmelons do that and much more. Made especially, to quench summer thirst, muskmelon contains 90 percent water. It is the number one fruit you must consider to have if you are planning to go out in the sun. So, during summers a muskmelon breakfast is the meal of the champions!

Checks Summer Stomach Bug

Zap that stomach bug with kharbooja

Image Credit: pixabay

Ever wondered why is it that during the hot and humid months you often end up with a queasy stomach? The summer stomach bug is a reality and that’s why you need a fruit that aids digestions. Muskmelons are known to be rich in dietary fibers and provide you with enough roughage to keep the digestive system in track. Their dense nature regulates the bowel movements and hence are ideal for summers.

Summer Detox

this is what your summer snacking should look like

Image Credit: pixabay

Planning to cut down some weight during the hot months? But mindlessly skipping some essential nutrient rich food is the recipe for disaster during the horrid months full of many summer time diseases. What’s a smart way to detox then? Well, easy go on a muskmelon diet. Muskmelon helps reducing weight like no other fruits. In fact, if you have ever done extreme diets then you would know that a GM dieting technique begins with having only melons on the first day. However, the healthier way to incorporate melons in your diet is to skip all the heavy, greasy snacks and replace them with the goodness of the melons.

Skin Booster

Summer months also bring along skin problems like break outs thanks to the humidity and blocked pores and dull, lackluster looking skin and hair. To prevent your skin to look as if the sun sapped up its energy or the hair turned into a haystack thanks to harsh sunshine then muskmelon is your answer. The collagen content boosts skin regeneration and muskmelon juice also helps in eczema, a common summer problem.

Read Also: Indians Share About Their Favorite And Healthy Summer Foods