21 things about turmeric you should know

Unleash the goodness of this auspicious and holy herb of India


Turmeric or “Haridra” as it is known in Ayurveda, is one of the most versatile herbs that’s used in India. The turmeric plant is commonly cultivated in different parts of India.

Here are 21 facts about turmeric you should know:

1. India is the ‘number one’ producer of turmeric and about 80-90% of world’s total turmeric production comes from India alone.

2. Different preparations made from turmeric range from turmeric powder, turmeric decoction to turmeric oil and turmeric ointments.

3. Turmeric, because of its brilliant orange-yellow color is widely used as a fabric dye.

4. For bites of King Cobra, turmeric is the natural antivenin. This has been found by Aston University’s Dr. Eric Lattman.

5. Turmeric is low in cholesterol and sodium. It is a good source of Vitamin C, Magnesium and Dietary Fiber.

6. Turmeric digests the toxins present in the plasma and its regular consumption and external application results in a clear and radiant skin.

7. Turmeric is a great home remedy for sunburn or suntan. This makes it an essential ingredient in many sunscreens.

8. Having turmeric milk on a regular basis cleanses breast milk in lactating mothers and regulates its viscosity.

9. “Haridra” is an age-old remedy for detoxifying and purifying blood in case of skin problems like acne, blemishes and pimples.

10. One of the most traditional methods used by Indian women to get rid of unwanted body hair is by rubbing the skin with turmeric paste on a regular basis. This method works only if the ritual is done on a daily basis for a long period.

11. In case of congested and cloudy eyesight, a decoction of turmeric is prepared and is used to wash the eyes.

12. Mouth ulcers are effectively healed by using turmeric decoction to gargle the mouth or by using turmeric oil to perform oil pulling. This also helps in getting rid of mouth odor eventually.

13. Turmeric is commonly used in curries and dals in Indian kitchens.

14. A paste of turmeric and neem leaves is an age-old remedy to get rid of itching and skin disorders.

15. Turmeric is recently known to be effective in slowing the growth and development of different types of cancer.

16. Anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric make it an effective remedy for bruises, traumatic swelling, joint pain and abrasion.

17. Turmeric is very auspicious and holy in India and no ritual or festival is complete without the use of “Haldi”.

18. A few grams of turmeric a day can keep you protected from anemia, memory disorders, high blood pressure, infectious diseases and strokes.

(Image Credit: Vishakha Moghe)

19. If you still haven’t tasted “Turmeric Milk” or what is now called “Golden Milk”, you really haven’t experienced the real goodness of turmeric.

20. Turmeric is used as a substitute for saffron in places where it is unavailable.

21. Turmeric can relieve most symptoms of menstruation.

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