4 Seeds That Cool Your Body And Burn Unhealthy Fats

Switch from XXL to M with the fiber-rich seeds in this post.

Image Credit: Eat This, Not That

No gym, no tiring exercise, absolutely no starving but you can still lose weight and keep your body cool! Wondering how? The kitchen at your house has the essential ingredients to make this happen. Read this further!

Sesame Seeds – High Protein And Fiber, Easily Accessible

Looks good, tastes yummy!

Image Credit: Foodies Feed

In the majority of the kitchens in India, you can find sesame seeds (til) by default. They are not just used to garnish salads and mithais but also are loaded with all the essential nutrients like omega-3, vitamin, protein, iron, and fiber. The major amino acids – polyphenols and tryptophan burn the unhealthy fat.

Add these seeds to salads, smoothies, sandwiches and enjoy the food.

Pumpkin Seeds – Incredibly Healthy

Don’t throw these power seeds!

Image Credit: Eat 2 Perform

All these days you have been throwing these power seeds but pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, protein, zinc, and copper and can treat a range of ailments. Whether it is hot outside or you have an inflammation inside your body that has been affecting the temperature, these seeds can be consumed.

With its anti-inflammatory property and presence of phytochemicals, it controls possibilities of flu, cold and fatigue. Adding these seeds to your regular diet can leave you full and control unhealthy cravings.

Flaxseed – Highly Reliable

Whether you want to improve your skin or reduce weight, blindly go for flax seeds.

Image Credit: Video Blocks

Rich in anti-oxidants, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, the tiny brown seeds can be ground into a fine powder and added to your water. You can drink this once a day. Additionally, it also aids in digestion.

Sabja Seeds – Less Known, Highly Powerful

See results in a few days with these seeds!

Image Credit: growherbsgarden.com

Adding a spoon of sabja seeds to a glass of water and squeezing lemon to this mixture can regulate your body temperature as well as load your body with essential fiber.

Sabja seeds can be used as a replacement for water if you are looking to burn unhealthy fat and calories really FAST! The best part about it is it normalizes the blood sugar and is apt for a long-term intake too.

Begin using these power seeds and feel your fat naturally burning with no side effects.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.