4 Ways You Can Reduce Your Risk Of Kidney Damage


Kidney damage happens over a gradual period of time and often takes a few years to go from the start of the damage phase to reach a high risk stage.

Taking the necessary precautions and making some changes in your lifestyle can greatly reduce your risk of kidney damage. Here are ways that can definitely help you reduce the stress on your kidneys and improve its health.

Check with your doctor for regular tests

Your doctor will guide you about a few tests that you can take once a year to get an accurate assessment of the way your kidneys are functioning. The ACR urine test and the GFR blood test are considered very good when it comes to testing your kidneys for proper functioning or any early signs of damage. Check with your doctor on how or when you should get it done.

Tip: If you’re bad at remembering what to ask when you meet your doc, use Google calendar and phone reminders to help you.

Quit smoking

While most people associate smoking with lung disease, it can also greatly stress out your kidneys and increase your risk of kidney damage if you are already prone to it. Also, if you are a regular smoker, it can affect your health and cause other complications that could eventually lead to kidney damage.

Smoking puts pressure on your kidneys and increases risk of kidney damage

Image Credit: pinterest

Tip: Try using the many quitting aids that are available, such as a nicotine patch or gum. Your doc could suggest a good option.

Pop those pain meds carefully

A headache? Take a pill. Stomach cramps? Take a pill. Body ache? Take a pill. Basically, our modern answer to get instant relief from pain and discomfort is to pop the pill. But did you know that taking pain killers, whether they are in prescription form or just over the counter ones, can actually add a lot of pressure on your kidneys when they try to filter them out of your system?

Tip: Go for alternative pain relieving methods such as acupuncture, acupressure, yoga, meditation, using natural oils and such.

Watch your weight and eat right

The latter is actually connected to the former. When you eat right, you manage to keep your weight in check automatically. Regular physical activity and having some form of exercise on an everyday basis will help you keep your weight in check, which will keep your metabolism and digestion running smoothly and put less stress on your kidneys. Reduce the amount of sodium you eat and cut out junk and processed foods, as these are high in their sodium content. High amounts of sodium in your system can increase your blood pressure which can trigger kidney damage.

Tip: Use other flavouring agents such as lemon, basil, garlic and such so that you don’t rely too much on salt. Take up a fitness challenge with your partner or friend and check your progress each day.

Kidney damage is critical but bringing in a few healthy changes in your lifestyle now can greatly reduce the problem.

Read Also: Can Kidney Disease Affect You At Any Age?

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.