5 Negative Effects Of Gadgets On Your Health

Tips to reduce side effects of using phones and laptops


Even as you’re reading the title here, that talks about the negative effects of gadgets on your health, the irony is, you are reading about it on your gadget!

Gadgets are everywhere, and are definitely a part of our daily lives as well! But do you know that, just the way these make our life easier, they also have a very negative effect on our health?

Here are few things you should practice to avoid side effects of using phones and laptops

1. Sleep Problems

(Image credits: kinja-img)

This has to be one of the most common health effects of gadgets. Looking at the blue light from your gadget can delay the production of the sleep hormone called melatonin, which means your body’s biological clock goes for a toss. You feel you need to stay awake and are alert, but actually you are suppressing the sleep.

Try this: Use an app that helps you adjust the screen lighting automatically. Also, keep the phone or tab at a distance when you get to bed, so that you don’t get tempted to reach out and access it easily.

2. Tech Neck

(Image credits: cdn.pudra)

This is a real condition, where you develop pain and other problems in the neck and shoulder area as a result of constantly leaning into your phone or laptop screen (or any other gadget screen for that matter!).

Try this: Focus on posture and keep the gadget at a position where you don’t have to bend your neck or shoulders. Get a stand that allows you to position your gadget better (even phones come with cases that have built-in stands).

3. Computer Vision Syndrome

(Image credits: eyescience)

Ever realized how many hours a week you spend staring at a gadget screen? The term ‘computer vision syndrome’ refers to a condition where your eyes are constantly stressed, owing to prolonged hours of adjusting to screen images and texts. This could lead to double vision problems, dry eyes and itching, blurriness and even short-sightedness.

Try this: Make sure to blink regularly and engage in some eye exercises.

4. Gamer’s Thumb or RSI

(Image credits: technobezz)

Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) or gamer’s thumb is a condition where your thumb and fingers are affected due to regular stress while scrolling and texting. It could lead to pain and even swelling.

Try this: Do regular wrist rotations and stretch your fingers through the day, to ease stress and pain.

5. Tinnitus

(Image credits: brightcove04)

This is that annoying ringing sound you often hear in your ears. It could also make you feel as if your ears are closed, just as they are when you are ascending or descending in a flight. Over time, this can lead to permanent ear damage.

Try this: Keep your gadget’s volume to about 50 or 60 percent of its full capacity, especially when you listen via headphones. Try the noise cancelling ones.

Disclaimer: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practise or suggestion from this site.