5 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Are Planning For A Plastic Surgery

Fell in love with Priyanka Chopra’s lips and want a lookalike? Ask these questions to yourself!

5 Questions To Ask Yourself If You Are Planning For A Plastic Surgery
Image Credit: Musiqclub

If you are the one who got inspired by the post-surgery looks of celebrities and wanted to go in for plastic surgery yourself, it is important to know it better and ask yourself these questions first.

Is My Health All Set For The Surgery?

Already undergoing treatment? This is not for you!
Already undergoing treatment? This is not for you!

Image Credit: Augusta University Health

Before you decide to go for plastic surgery, your medical history is first analyzed and you cannot hide your health problems. Remember that you are likely to witness lifestyle changes after the surgery. This means that your health has to be willing to adapt itself to the new change. Assess the readiness of your health!

How Can This Surgery Impact My Body?

Be aware of scars and other surgical complications!
Be aware of scars and other surgical complications!

Image Credit: YouTube

Just like any other surgery, plastic surgery imposes possible complications. For instance, you may have scars that are abruptly raised or too wide and they can cause infections. If you are following the hyped scarless surgery, let me disclose something. Not everyone performs scarless surgery and you need to confirm with your surgeon before the surgery.

Sometimes, you may require revision surgery for better improvements. This can highly impact your body!

Do I Really Need This Surgery?

Some prefer plastic surgery for self-expectations while many do it for other’s criticisms. If your decision is influenced by other’s opinions, then you may have to reconsider. But if it is needed because of some unfortunate event like a burn or a scar caused by an accident, then maybe your doctor will advice you to go for it.

The other point is you may already be undergoing some other treatment and this surgery can hamper your lifestyle too. If you are going to reconsider this decision, look out for alternatives.

Is My Surgeon Qualified?

You need a certified surgeon who can be transparent with you!
You need a certified surgeon who can be transparent with you!

Image Credit: OTV

After doing thorough research about the procedure and its impacts, you are now looking forward to fixing the surgery date. Well, you may have to assess your surgeon’s qualification as well.

Assess these points –

  • Is the surgeon certified by the board?
  • Do they have quality references that you can rely on?
  • Is he/she transparent with you?
  • Do you have a healthy rapport?

Can I Afford It?

Check if you have enough money for surgery and recovery!
Check if you have enough money for surgery and recovery!

Image Credit: Money View

This question generally arises when you have already dreamt of your after looks and at the time when you have become desperate.

Plastic surgery cost is high and the time to recover also depends on the resistance and healing power of your body. Throughout this process, you may have to understand that you will need cash flow to support yourself. In case of complications there are chances of the treatment taking longer too.

Fair or dark, fat or slim, it’s your perception and values that should influence your life decisions, not others!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.