5 Signs That Say It’s Time To Take Your Dog To The Vet

5 alarming signs of dogs demand vet intervention and here they are.

5 Signs That Say It’s Time To Take Your Dog To The Vet
Image Credit: Casper College

Pets become a part of our family, they become a part of our lives and when they fall ill, it worries us sick just as it would when any family member fell ill. So today on World Veterinary Day, let’s take a look at signs that say it’s time to take your dog to the vet.

If you are a dog owner, you will know that Summer or Winter, there are different signs exhibited by dogs that alerts you that it needs immediate medical attention. This World veterinary day, watch out for these signs in your dog.

Abrupt Loss Of Appetite

The loss of appetite sometimes indicates an internal illness
The loss of appetite sometimes indicates an internal illness

Image Credit: Video Blocks

You may have noticed that your dog was doing well the previous day and all of a sudden, he would have stopped eating. This loss of appetite happens in a 24 hour period and indicates an internal illness. If you procrastinate the visit to the doctor, your pet might automatically feel dehydrated and weak. Do not wait for someone to tell you to take your pet to the vet!

Frequent Vomiting Needs Vet Intervention

Vomiting frequently sometimes indicates a block in the gastrointestinal tract
Vomiting frequently sometimes indicates a block in the gastrointestinal tract

Image Credit: Motherboard (Vice)

If your pet vomits occasionally, it is absolutely fine. However, if it happens frequently within a short duration, it indicates a block in the gastrointestinal tract. It can be a block caused by the foreign bodies or reactions to toxins or even irritation of the esophagus lining.

Too Much Of Lethargy

There can be multiple causes to your pet’s lethargy
There can be multiple causes to your pet’s lethargy

Image Credit: Wag!

If you find that your pet doesn’t respond to your instructions all of a sudden and prefers to stay at the same place, it is a sign of collapse and you may have to rush to a vet. The causes are different. For instance, it is a serious heart condition or metabolic disturbances or toxic reactions. The lethargy levels vary but you can notice your pet acting weird by hiding at unusual places or staying away from owners.

Never Ignore Eye Problems

Like humans, eye problems of dogs need to be taken seriously.
Like humans, eye problems of dogs need to be taken seriously.

Image Credit: YouTube

Even a slight ocular discharge is a warning for the pet owner! Especially during summers, eyes tend to bulge and produce discharge. This could be because of too much heat or a bacterial infection internally. In the case of aged dogs, eye problems lead to glaucoma. But, an untreated eye, in general, can only lead to loss of vision.

Breathing – The Mother Of Emergencies

Open-mouthed breathing indicates anemia too!
Open-mouthed breathing indicates anemia too!

Image Credit: Vets Now

While it is well known that pets tend to suffocate like humans, you may have to keep a serious eye on your pet if the breathing happens with difficulty. Watch the gums of the pet. If it is not pink and is in white, it implies severe anemic condition and this could have led to breathing problems. Wheezing and choking sounds are quite common in this case!

Consulting a vet is very important in all these cases!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.