5 Steps To Get Your Oral Health Right

Oral health is the gateway to a better lifestyle. So, get it right!

Image Credit: Woman Of Style And Substance

We all want our smiles to remain outstanding and glamorous. But, how many times have we tried to get a healthy smile? We tend to focus less on oral health and the sudden peep of dental pain reminds us to take care of oral hygiene. So, do you think it is difficult and takes efforts? Surprisingly, it isn’t and here is how you can master it.

Brush Your Teeth Right

Brush right to let your smile turn bright!

Image Credit: Delray Beach Dentist

Oral health begins with a clean mouth. Show some love to your tooth surfaces with the help of a soft bristle brush. Most of us brush once a day but that’s not sufficient. A lot can happen in the 8 hours of night sleep that can lead to gum disease and cavity. So, brush before you go to bed as well.

Use tooth-width strokes that are short to brush and make sure you hold it at an angle of 45 degrees. Don’t push it too hard! It can affect your enamel.

Eat The Right Food

Eating foods rich in calcium and phosphorous can improve bone strength!

Image Credit: Bustle

A lot of people harm their oral health because of unhealthy food that damage the gums and lead to a pile of health problems. An oral-healthy diet ideally means the consumption of foods that are rich in vitamin C, calcium and phosphorous. They can let your bones get stronger and gums healthier. Smoking is a strict NO as it can only hamper your oral health.

Brush, Floss, And Swish

Brush, floss and swish is the secret for good oral health.

Image Credit: Manus Dental

They sound like technical terms but they define the oral routine that you should follow. As you brush, ensure you floss your teeth too. This can eliminate the decay-causing bacteria present in regions that a regular toothbrush cannot reach.

When you floss, press it against every side of the tooth. Similarly, do your swishing right. Always select a mouthwash based on your oral health and swish for a minimum of 30 seconds. Never swallow the mouthwash as it can be harmful!

Take Small Oral Signs Seriously

Take every small oral sign seriously and reach out to a dentist!

Image Credit: WebDental

Noticing a change in the color of your gums? Finding a lump on the gum? Feeling painful when floss touches few regions? Don’t let these persist as they can lead to a number of oral health diseases. Instead, reach out to a dentist when your teeth may need it.

Clean Your Oral Equipment

Have you ever cleaned your oral equipment specifically? This question will mostly have a negative answer. Immediately after we brush, we keep the toothbrush aside. When we use it the next day, the dust particles get accumulated and get back to your gums resulting in a cavity. Make sure you clean it in such a way that it is dirt free in and out.

Don’t you feel these are super easy to follow? Share us your thoughts too!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.