5 Tips From Ayurveda For The Mind

Learn how to cope sweet friend, there will always be dark days

5 Tips From Ayurveda For The Mind

Stress, depression and anxiety are increasingly becoming a part of life for many of us. Being constantly under the pressure of proving yourself amidst tough competition and fighting the endless struggles of life, does it end here? In fact, it only gets worse. Our brain cells create ideas and stress does exactly the opposite, it kills them! It’s like running on a treadmill, you run for hours without getting anywhere. If it’s known to not get us anywhere, why do we let stress take over us, why do we give it the liberty to rule our lives?
The approach of Ayurveda to eliminate the doshas of the mind is unique and aims at using psychological, spiritual and pharmacological methods to root out the disease.

5 Tips from Ayurveda for a Healthy Mind

Shirobasti, the Ayurvedic treatment of pooling oil over the head that helps one get rid of diseases affecting the head
Shirobasti, the Ayurvedic treatment of pooling oil over the head that helps one get rid of diseases affecting the head

Image Credit: sreechithraayurhome.com

  • Create a shield against stress. “Abhyanga” or oil massage after selecting the oil according to Prakruti of the subject gives the desired results and nourishes the body and mind. Shirodhara and Shirobasti work like magic when the sessions include serene raga-based music. Specialized massages based on marma (vital points) can put a person to rest immediately by relaxing their mind.
  • Getting enough “nidra” or sleep apart from good food has been laid emphasis upon by Ayurveda. You cannot be productive if your brain cells don’t get rest at the right time. Constantly working can disrupt the Pitta and Vata balance and lead to sleep-deprived problems. It also hampers digestion by disturbing the appetite.
Child’s pose or Balasana for healing and calming the mind
Child’s pose or Balasana for healing and calming the mind

Image Credit: blog.zenward

  • A regular practice of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskaras (sun salutations) can reduce the stress and anxiety largely. Meditating under the supervision of a well-trained yogi can help you cut down on your stress before it’s too late.
An aimless walk in the forest to connect with nature can change a lot about one’s life
An aimless walk in the forest to connect with nature can change a lot about one’s life

Image Credit: flickr

  • Due to the technological advances, we have distanced ourselves from the natural elements of nature. We’ve forgotten the miracles of nature and how it heals us when we stay in sync with it. Simply walking through a rainforest and staying inside a hut or a mud house gives you all the access to nature’s healing vibes and rejuvenates you. Eating fruits after picking them up straight from the tree happens to be one of the best activities in life and one of the few favors that you would be doing on your body.
  • If there’s an object or a person that disturbs you frequently, withdraw from it/them. The golden rule is to keep away from anything and everything that comes in your way of achieving your ultimate goal that is going to give you the ultimate happiness. Avoid over-burdening your intellect and senses with something if you feel it is beyond your understanding or if it is not your forte.

Read Also: 9 Ayurvedic Rituals To Kickstart Your Day

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.