5 Tips that will help you be the calm and gorgeous bride

Ease your pre marriage jitters


There’s a reason it’s called the Big Fat Indian wedding! With all the months of planning and running about and finalizing tons of details, such as the wedding wear, your entire trousseau, the venue and decorations, guest list, menu, pre and post marriage ceremony details and more, how in anybody’s name are you supposed to stay calm and look pretty and poised, right?

Seems like a tough call. But then, even as your big day comes closer, there are ways you can keep those jitters at bay. Here’s how:

1. Talk to your married friends

True they may have bored you in the past with their excess mush and showing off how they are better than you because they are married (roll your eyes!). But now, the one question you need to ask them is “What is that one thing you would have done differently on your wedding day to ease your stress?” Chances are, your friends will give you real tips on what they now feel they could have done differently, and you can plan your day keeping those tips in mind.

2. Have a girl Friday, who can handle stress

It is very important to have that one girl with you, who will be there though your pre-wedding preparations, as well as be right by your side on your wedding day. This could be your sister, your mom, your best friend, your sister-in-law, an aunty you are close to – you get the drift. The most important thing to remember here is that she has to be one who can handle stress as well as last minute hassles, and make quick adjustments and plans. Also, one who can come up with a plan C when both A and B have failed!

3. Take down notes

The little black notebook (or pink, red, purple, green, whatever you might prefer) can help you plan better and ease out some of your stress. If you still have a few months left to the big day, start taking notes and creating to-do lists right away. Keep only one notebook that you can use for the entire wedding purpose. Write down names, numbers, important contacts, guest list, handyman numbers, preferences, must-do, and basically anything that is important and required related to the wedding.

4. Keep all the bills

With so much shopping and spending, don’t forget to store all your bills and receipts in a clear folder, just in case you need it later. There are times when you may need to return or exchange something, or want to go back and order more from a store that you think suited your preferences.

5. It will happen, no matter what, so don’t freak out

As long as you, your would-be partner, and the person who will officialise the ceremony is there, the marriage WILL TAKE PLACE. So relax, and instead of freaking out, focus on the fun part of the marriage too. And yes, spa treatments as well as those amazing facials and body massages will really help. Just saying!

Now you know what to do just breathe easy, and get set to be a beautiful bride.

(Image sources: giphy,wordpress)