5 Workouts That Can Get You In Shape

Be that curvy queen that stands unique in a crowd

Image Credit: Pixabay

Want to be in shape irrespective of your age? Want to eat as you wish but still appear sexy? If your answer is affirmative to any of these questions, this is for you.

Plank for a long term impact

The perfect plank to strengthen you

Image Credit: Pixabay

Begin with placing your hands below shoulders and maintain a straight line of your body.

Gaze only on the floor. Do not move your focus anywhere or let any part of your body loose.

Repeat 10 times by holding for 30 seconds each time.

Slowly practice this workout by doing side planks.

Pushup to remain fit

Pushup! Believe us, its easy!

Image Credit: Pixabay

Push ups workout is promising and gives you faster results.

Lie down on floor with your face facing the floor. With arms resting on the floor, raise your upper body and slowly, raise your lower body too.

This workout burns excess calories and tightens your chest muscles. You lose extra fat!

Squat for a healthy you

Imagine sitting on a chair

Image Credit: Pinterest

The main reason to practice squat is to build muscles and gain stability at all parts of your body.

Stand and face forward with your chest raised up. With your feet kept wider, sit as if you are on an imaginary chair.

Position yourself for few seconds and repeat.

You can see that your toes, thighs and lower portion of the body get strengthened.

Step up and burn extra calories

Practice stepup at an ease

Image Credit: Shape

Like to climb staircase? Then this is your favorite.

Step up on a stair and step down. Repeat this as many times as you want with your body straight.

The specialty of this workout is you burn excess calories and your knee gets resistant. Your weight is balanced too.

Bridge and see your body getting in shape

Bridge and escape from health complications

Image Credit: Shape

Lie down with your face facing the roof. Bend knees and raise hips so that body now creates a straight line.

This is an excellent total body workout.

Do these workouts daily for a healthy mind and a great body!

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.