Bridal Skincare Mistakes To Avoid

Avoid these mistakes to look the best on your wedding day

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By Dr. B. L. Jangid

The day of her wedding is the most important day of her bride. For it is on that day that she wants to look her best.

With all the excitement also comes to the stress of a million things to do and the first place where the exhaustion and panic reflects is on the face. In the quest for quick solutions, most to-be brides end up doing more damage to their skin than solve any issues.

If you are not careful, you can do more damage to your skin on the day of your wedding

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Here are a few cardinal mistakes that brides often end up making in the run-up to their wedding that ruin their skin.

Do Not Ignore Your Diet

Diet plays a major role in making your skin look good

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Diet plays a major role in making your skin look good. Many brides are not aware of the impact of foodstuffs on the pH balance of the body. Carbonated drinks, alcohol, eggs, sugar etc lower the pH levels in the body and are, therefore, acidic. On the other hand, fresh fruits and vegetables, lemon, chia seeds, turmeric etc are alkaline in nature and therefore good to eat. Imbalanced pH levels result in skin inflammation, extreme sensitivity, acne etc. So it is important to eat sensibly, because makeup won’t conceal it, but can aggravate the problem. A healthy diet, regular exercise, keeping yourself calm is always good. If you have pimples, then use some acne-mask creams before makeup, that will not allow chemicals to act on the skin.

Don’t Try Anything New

Stick to tried and tested makeup and skincare products and routines

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Your wedding day is one of the most special occasions in your life, but you should avoid using this moment as the time to try out a new facial or skin treatment. This can lead to allergic reactions. Don’t dive into a new routine right before your wedding; instead, stick to gentle, simple products, and use them every day. The same rule applies to makeup and other skincare products. Stick to what you have been using for a while. Do not attempt a red lipstick if you usually use a natural shade or smokey eyes when you are just a simple kajal person.

Do Not Mix Treatments

Overdoing skincare products can cause allergic reactions

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Taking forward the above point, do not combine different treatments. Don’t mix home remedies with medical treatments to hasten the healing process of acne or spots. This will actually cause more harm. Don’t be tempted to pile on the anti-aging or skin-clearing products for a quick fix: overdoing it can lead to redness, irritation, and even breakouts. Excessive rubbing, application of new and unknown chemicals on the skin will lead to the dull and flaky skin. Some ingredients, like glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and retinol, can throw off your skin for the first few weeks you use them.

Don’t Ignore The Importance Of Patch Tests

Patch tests are important to figure out if you are allergic to certain ingredients

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If you have sensitive skin, and you know that your skin reacts to makeup, do simple allergy tests at least two weeks before D-day. Do not ignore symptoms like itching, burning, swelling, pigmentation etc.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.

Dr. B. L. Jangid
Dr. B. L. Jangid, MD Skin is one the top dermatologists of Delhi, with more than 10 years of experience in new treatments, technology and research into skin and hair problems, skin surgeries, hair transplant surgeries, Lasers and anti-ageing. He practices at SkinQure in Saket.