Can Acne Occur in Winters? Here’s All You Need To Know About It

Time to get yourself ready for the Winters


By Dr. Shruti Gondi

Your skin and hair need your attention the most during this season. Winter is supposed to be the most fashionable season, with long overcoats High boots woolen mufflers gloves designer winter caps, cozying up in warm rooms with a cup of coffee. But what we don’t like about winter is dry skin and skin problems.

Well if you have a breakout the season is sure to be blamed! now you must be thinking that aren’t pimples and acne an old story and bygone with the greasiness of Summer? But no.

Can Acne Occur In The Winters?

Winters can actually worsen Acne, the cold air has less moisture, leading to dryness in the skin due to weather and harsh chilly wind can damage the Skin of its natural surface, which holds the moisture as a barrier and keeps pollution or dirt away. it is a whole lot easier for acne-causing bacteria to get in and resulting in breaking out.

Acne is common, don’t let it get to you

Got Acne? Don’t Fret

Acne is most common among the youth, some people have acne prone skin. Most of the young teens suffer from breakouts and they may worsen if we do not take care of them at an early stage. There are certain topical and internal acne treatments suggested by Dermatologist, medications like Retinoids antibiotics and creams containing salicylic acid, dapsone, benzoic etc. The dermatologist may also prescribe oral medication like antibiotics. There are also few proven treatments like peels available that can help you get rid of acne permanently. So next time while you change your wardrobe for the Winter season, you must also think of having a beautiful and glowing but most importantly Healthy Skin!

There are certain topical and internal acne treatments suggested by Dermatologists

Your Moisturizer Is Your Protective Shield

So how do we get rid of Acne during the most beautiful season? Dr. Sruthi Gondi – MBBS MD Dermatologist @ Science of Skin Hyderabad suggest that you must keep your skin sufficiently Moisturised without overdoing it, and you must say No to Harsh soapy cleansers. Moisturiser plays an important role here, make sure you choose the right moisturiser, A moisturiser that contains appropriate Humectants to hold on the moisture or water emollients that smoothes or softens your skin and blocks the moisture from evaporating.

Contact a Dermatologist or seek medical attention if the breakouts are scaling and there is pus formed or bleeding.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.

Dr. Shruti Gondi
Dr. Shruti Gondi is the Founder and Managing Director at Science of Skin, Hyderabad. Being a specialist in the field of Dermatology, Dr. Gondi is known for her expertise in acne treatment, cosmetology, hair care, and laser hair removal treatments at Science of Skin.