Can You Miss Your Periods Without Being Pregnant?

If you’re scared it’s because of a pregnancy, check this

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The first thought that comes to mind if you miss your periods is that you are pregnant. If you have had sex recently, after you had your last periods, this could definitely give you a scare.

But did you know that you don’t always miss your periods only because of a pregnancy? In fact, there are quite a few other reasons too that could delay your periods. If you’re not sure yet, take a look.

It Could Be Your Weight

If you have gained or lost a lot of weight recently, the change in weight can affect your periods too. In fact, if you have an eating disorder, or if you have recently switched to a new kind of diet, especially the types in which you keep out certain types of food, that could be one of the reasons why you missed your period.

You Are Exercising Too Much

Adding exercise to your daily routine is very good and recommended to stay fit and healthy, but if you’re doing it in excess, it could make you miss your periods. This is because, when you exercise too much, the levels of the hormone oestrogen go down in your body, which is also the hormone that regulates your reproductive system and health. As a result, you may not get your periods. Many athletes who train extensively often face this issue, and often miss their periods for as much as five to six months at a stretch.

You Are Stressed

Regular stress can delay periods

Image Credit: askdrmanny

This is a vicious cycle. If you are stressed, you can get scanty or no periods, and this can cause you further stress, which can make the periods completely non-existent. Regularly being stressed can cause an increase in the hormone cortisol and cause a health condition known as amenorrhoea, which can delay your periods.

Your Medication Is To Blame

If you are taking medicines, they could also cause a change in your menstrual cycle. There are some medicines that cause irregularities in your periods, so make sure you speak to your doctor about it. Also, if you take birth control pills, these too can delay your periods.

Could Be A Thyroid Disorder

Thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can also cause changes in your periods. The best way to check on this is to speak to your doctor and get a TSH, T3 and T4 test done to determine whether your thyroid hormones are to blame.

If you missed your periods by more than 2 weeks, speak to your doctor to find out what could be causing it.

DISCLAIMER: While we have taken steps to check the accuracy of information & practices shared here; it is not a replacement for a doctor’s opinion. it is important to first always check with your own doctor before trying any medication, practice or suggestion from this site.